It is time for a new review and it is about the Benefit Roller Eyeliner in the shade Brown. I did ponder for quite some time whether I should dedicate a whole blog post to this one small item. But the more I thought about it, I am quite fussy when it comes to liquid eyeliner. I have certain criteria that a liner needs to tick in order for me to continue using it. I have been using this for quite a while now and I feel like I have formulated my opinion enough for me to finally get around to sharing it with you guys. This is a blog post all about the brown version of the liner, but I would be pretty confident to say that it will be the same for the black version!
Benefit Roller Eyeliner ReviewBenefit Roller Eyeliner Review



What is the packaging and applicator like?

I know that some people will think that I am crazy for wanting to speak about the packaging in a blog post where I am reviewing an eyeliner, but it is important. For me, this is my favourite kind of packaging because it is so quick and easy to use. All you do is remove the cap, which is nice and secure. Then within, you have a felt tip style nib which is great for application. In the past I have tried loads of different products from gel liners where you need a separate brush, roller wheels and god know what else. For me, this is just by a country mile the easiest and something that I want to stick with moving forward. I also really like that overall the packaging is nice, light and super easy to travel with because I can just throw it in my bag.


How does it apply?

Even though this point may tie into what I have just spoken about above, I wanted to just briefly mention how it applies. I am actually a fan of the nib on this product and that is because it is well shaped, and it is always very saturated with the product. With just one line of this, I never feel like I have to go in and apply more, because just with the first swipe it is amazing and incredibly pigmented. It is a very smooth application and that is one of the biggest selling points for me. Over the years, I have tried out so many other liquid liners from various brands and there have been times where I have had issues with products been too thick, sticking or scratching, but that is not the case at all with this Benefit Roller Liner!


How long does it last?

When I am heading out of the door for work in a morning, it can sometimes be 12 hours before I am getting back home, so I want any makeup that I am popping on my face to look perfect all day long. After using this Benefit Roller Liner for probably the best part of a year now, I am very confident to say that it lasts incredibly well on the skin. A couple of seconds after it has dried down, I know that it is going to stay put and be noticeable and in place all day long. I am even the kind of person that continuously rubs their eyes, even with a face full of makeup on and I find that this stuff still stays in place after I rub my eyes like I am a little baby.


How does it work on top of other eye products?

For me, anything that is going to be applied around my eyes, I need to know that it works well with the other products that I will be putting on. Just like many of you guys, I go in with a light eyeshadow on a daily basis, then my eyeliner on top. My eyeshadow varies and I might use a traditional powder, a Laura Mercier Caviar Stick or one of my Charlotte Tilbury Eyes to Mesmerize. I have found with other products over the years, that certain eyeliners may struggle to glide on top of the product, and they will either stick in place, or not even show. I will say that I find that this works better over the top of traditional powders as they are more absorbent and provide grip for the product. Saying that, it does still show well over the top of creamier products too!


I hope that you guys liked this blog post. If you are on the market for a new liquid eyeliner that this post helped you out a little. As I have said, you need to be so careful about the products that you put on your face. Especially when they are so close to your eyes. You need the product to function as advertised and work all day long. I really do think that this product does that for me. Amazing quality, great value for money and a product that I am going to keep in my makeup collection for many years. Please do make sure to leave me a comment down below. Let me know if you have tried out this item, or if you are adding it to your list!


benefit roller liner


Roller Liner

A great daily brown eyeliner. Easy to apply and great value for money.

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