I hate to be that person who is always on about how busy they are. But I feel like that is an understatement for how things are at the minute. I feel like in this day and age, hell of a lot of people like to proclaim that they are the busiest person in the world. They think that it makes them look great and that they are a high achiever. I just see people that could be working smarter. I will admit that there are times in my professional career where I do need to pull all-nighters. Or I have had to break my back in order to meet deadlines and reach a higher level. But realistically, I like to split my work, plan everything strategically and ideally work as smart as possible.

How I Split My Time

My time realistically splits into five different areas. My day job, freelance writing career, blogging, caring for my nan, and personal time. From there, I then sat down with a standard 24-hour calendar and I split out my day. This ensures that I can dedicate a decent amount to each area. Doing this ensures that I do not find myself getting overwhelmed or bogged down in too much work. I will admit that when I first started doing this, it did seem pretty scary. With a good 8 hours of sleep and 8 hours in the office, there wasn’t much time to focus on my other projects. The best thing that I did was stick to the plan. I really amazed myself with how much I could achieve in a short amount of time and how focused it made me.

Other than splitting my time, one of the biggest things that I have done is change my mindset. Granted, I have reached the top of the career level in my full-time job and I did have to make certain sacrifices to reach this level. But I also didn’t put in crazy hours. I am a firm believer in the fact that the 8-hour workday is ineffective in the year 2021. Which is why I am all about working smart and not long. I get into the office at 7:30am every single morning. Almost 2 hours before I start working and before I touch my workload for the day. I make a concise plan and I map out the bare minimum that I want to achieve that day. This makes sure that I stay on track with all of my projects and if I achieve more, it is just a bonus.

I find that the key to really splitting your time and sticking with it comes from consistency. If you can split out your time and allocate your efforts effectively, it will change the way that you work and ensure that you are working to the best of your ability for the task which you are carrying out at that very moment. Now that I work like this in a much more split out manor and I effectively stick to a schedule, it means that I get more done, I do not end up burning out of energy at the end of the day and I can say that I have given every aspect of my life the time and attention that it really does need.

I will leave this blog post here for now. There really is no need for me to write forever and a day about how I split my time. I have said it before and I will say it again, it is about smart working, not long working. It is so important and I think that planning and schedule can help you out immeasurable amounts.


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