I announced my pregnancy to you guys when I was hitting the 22-week stage. I am currently closing the chapter on the second trimester but for this post I am going to throw things back. In this post, I am going to be sharing with you guys everything that happened and how I felt during the first trimester. Throughout everything, I made notes on my phone so that I could remember it all and that is what I am going to share with you guys today. So, without further rambling, here is my deep dive in my first trimester.




Sickness was my first clue that I was pregnant. If it wasn’t for that, I may have never known. But I thought that it may have been a couple times and then done. But no. I was sick for almost the first 18 weeks. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t constant, and I was able to hold some food down. But I was sick a few times a day for over four months. It was draining and pretty boring. More than anything, it was the consistent nausea that was a killer. I felt like I was always on a rocking boat. It turned me off my food and in the early days, I lost hell of a lot of weight.


Overly emotional.

I have spoken about this before, but in the first trimester I was super hormonal. I was crying at just about anything and everything. Honestly, one morning when I went into work, I cried because I was frustrated at one of my co-workers hair. She had a really messy bun that was wonky, and it wound me up that I was raging and ended up standing in the car park while it was pouring down with rain and I cried like a little bitch. Fucking madness. The worrying thing is, I am just as hormonal now.


First scans.

The big thing in the first trimester for me was the scan. Because of my history of infertility, when I informed the doctors that I was expecting, I was asked to go straight to the hospital for a scan. I was in pretty much the next day and then I had a scan every other week throughout the first 12 weeks. With every scan there was initial panic and then amazing reassurance. Luckily, after the 12-week scan, they became much less frequent and I was grateful for that.


House planning.

Throughout my entire first trimester, I went into overdrive in terms of planning. As you may know, I have OCD and anxiety, so that really went into overdrive. Out of everything that I could have worried about, one thing that I was fixated on was our home. We live in a large three-story house. But I couldn’t stop thinking about how it would be trying to get up, down and around our house with a new-born on the top floor and the kitchen on the ground. I was literally having sleepless nights about it.


Twin panic.

If you read my post the other day, you will know our family history of twins. When we first saw two red lines on the test, we were worried that we would be having twins. To be honest, my husband who is a twin, would have loved it. He said it was amazing having a little friend that was the same age. But to me who was going through the pregnancy, I absolutely didn’t want to birth and then take care of two babies at the same time!


As always, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post. I feel like at this stage I do just need to say that this was just my experience. If you are pregnant or trying to have a family, you may experience something completely different. For me, the first trimester was incredibly tiring and to a degree draining. Simply because of the whirlwind of emotions that I went through for the entire 12 weeks. But without a show of a doubt, that first trimester was the happiest time of my life.


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