I feel like I actually come alive in the summer months. I am a little bit like a hedgehog in that sense. As soon as the colder weather moves in, I start to hibernate and don’t do all that much. Then when spring comes around, I wake up from my winter off and I am back into the groove of things.
I honestly think that I have always been this way and it doesn’t do me any harm. So, I thought that I would speak to you about the things that I am working on this summer. This includes the things that I am doing to better myself. But also the more material things that I want to add into my life over the warmer months.
Gain more confidence.
Something that I really do want to try to do desperately is to gain more confidence. I feel like the older that I get, the more I withdraw into myself. Honestly, I am my true self after a glass of wine and my confidence comes out. But, I can’t exactly have a glass of Sauvignon Blanc at 8am in a morning. I want to learn to be that person without needing a drop of alcohol in my system. Without sounding big headed, I know that I am that person that brings people together. I get people to loosen up and I make people laugh. I just want to be able to do that without the nerves beforehand. This is going to take some work and I will have to really put myself out there.
Learn to live with long nails.
This is without a doubt the most superficial thing that I am going to say in this post. I just want to be able to have long nails. No matter what dress size I am, my hands just always look big. Even when I was younger and anorexic, I still had spades for hands. I want long and elegant looking fingers and that can be achieved with nail extensions. My thing is, that because I type so much, they annoy me. I write all day long, at work and for my blog. The sound of nails on a keyboard really annoys me. Not to mention that I am so much quicker in everything that I do without them. I do want to get used to them though, because they do make me feel more graceful.
Finish my home decor.
I got the keys to my home in the September of 2019 with my wonderful husband. Even though it is a new build house and there were no ‘big jobs’ per say. It has taken forever and a day for us to get to a place where we are really happy. I feel like now we just need to spend a little cash really filling some of the sparser areas of the house. For example, in our entrance hall, there is a space that an olive tree would look fantastic in. The thing is that the ideal item tends to be around £350 and I have just never wanted to part with that kind of cash for a simple décor piece. I now feel ready to take the plunge!
Get outside a little more.
I am a home bird and I love being in my house. I think it is down the fact that I still pinch myself that we own such an amazing house. Plus, because I work so much during the week, all I want to do on a weekend is stay in my lovely home. I feel like I have done that now for the past 3 years and I am ready to get out. Not even going to the pub or out out. I just want to get more fresh air. I am incredibly lucky with where I love. On one side I have roaring countryside and to the other side I have a canal system that you can walk along. I just need to bite the bullet, put on my trainers and actually leave the house.
Try to be more social.
I can be social with the people that I want to talk to. I guess this kind of goes hand in hand with my first point, but I want to put myself out there more. Honestly, I can remember when I was in my late teenage years, my phone would be buzzing constantly and I loved it. It was nice to feel in demand and I felt like I had friends coming out of my ears. Granted, the relationships may not have been deep or wonderful like my true friendships, but I got a buzz from conversation and having a laugh with people. As I have gotten older, I have got worse at responding to folks and I really do want to work on that.
I hope that you guys liked this blog post. I know that these things are not revolutionary. These are just the key things that I am working on this summer. I feel like over the past couple of months I have already started on these things. However, I am seeing some progress, but I have still got quite a way to go. I feel like after the disaster that was in 2020, I am determined to make the most out of this summer. That is why I am so focused on these things. I would love to hear from you guys. Please leave me a comment below. Let me know if you have any things that you are working on this summer!