It is time for a new beauty review here on my blog. Today it is going to be all about the Tan Luxe Facial Oil. Before getting my hands on this, I saw it literally everywhere. As I am sure I have shared before, I am a massive fan of false tan. I am super careful with my skin and I avoid going into the sun, which is why I need to tan my skin with sunless tanners.
So, when I saw this explode all over YouTube and the blogging world, I knew it was an item that I had to try out. Everybody seemed to look amazing when they were using it, which is why I needed to add this to my ever growing collection. So, here is my review on the Tan Luxe Facial Oil.
The packaging.
As I am sure you guys can see from the image above, this item comes in a bottle with a pipette. To begin with, I thought that this would make it easy to work with, but generally speaking I am not a fan. It either picks up too much product, not enough or just leaks everywhere. To be honest, I would much rather have just got this item in a traditional style pump bottle so that it was easier to work with. It is not a deal breaker, just personal preference.
The texture.
As I am sure you guys can gather form the name of this Tan Luxe Facial Oil, it is a pure oil in texture. When it comes to sunless tanners, this is the first item of its kind that I have used. Because my skin is naturally quite oily, I tend to stay away from any item with oil already in the name. I will say, that straight after application, this can make my skin look quite slick and oily. However, I do find that by the time this has developed on my skin, the top layer of oil is no longer there and I am all here for that.
The colour it gives me.
When it comes to the colour that this gives me, it really does depend on how it applies. As you may have seen online, some people apply this directly to the face. Others mix it with moisturiser and then apply it to the skin by really buffing it in. I find that when it comes to this item, to get the colour that I need, I have to use it without moisturiser. Then, it does get quite deep on my skin, but albeit a little orange in tone. However, once I wipe off that top layer that is just sat on my skin, it is a very nice and natural sun kissed look.
How long it lasts.
If I apply this and allow it to develop overnight, as I mentioned I do get a nice colour. However, it doesn’t seem to have great staying power. I will wipe off the residual oil from my skin, then I will apply my makeup. By the end of the evening when I remove my makeup, I feel like most of the developed colour has come off too. If I wanted to keep the colour up with this item, I would probably have to wear it every single day. That would probably be a little too much oil for my skin to handle on a daily basis.
Would I repurchase?
As you may be able to tell from this blog post, I am in two halves about this item. On the one hand, I think that it gives a really nice colour. However, I feel like it makes me a little too oily and it doesn’t seem to last long on the skin. I think that there is a time and place for this, like when my skin needs some more moisture, but generally speaking, I would use other things. However, with how long this has lasted in my bathroom cabinet, I don’t think that it hurts just to keep one there for if I ever need it.
I hope that you guys liked this blog post, As you can see, I really do like this Tan Luxe Facial Oil, but I don’t think that I will repurchase. Even though my skin really loved this item and the shade looked lovely, I can get the same look with my normal mouse tanner.
Not to mention that whenever I tried to mix this with my moisturiser I just ended up with funny coloured hands. I think that it really depends on the individual whether you will like this product and want to ride with it. My friend for example that goes for a very natural skin, loves this stuff and cannot get enough of it. As always, I will pop a link to this item below for you to check it out for yourself. Have you tried this Tan Luxe Facial Oil out?