I have shared on my blog numerous times my issues with mental health. To be honest, I feel like 2022 has been my most clear year in terms of my mental health. For the first time in my life, coping mechanisms are working and I am feeling good. However, I still have periods where things are not overly clear. In these moments, I need to take a step back, take a minute and pamper myself.

For this blog post, I thought that I would share my evening self-pamper routine. These are all little things that I do in order to feel my best and get myself back on the straight and narrow. I would highly recommend these steps to anybody who just needs to take a little extra time to themselves.


evening selfcare pamper routine - main


Get some comfortable clothes on.

Back on the day, as soon as I was in from work, I would put on some comfy pyjamas and call it a day. As comfortable as I was, I could also end up feeling quite sloppy. I hated that. So, I bought comfortable clothes that I could wear at home and still be put together. However, on those pamper days, I throw on the most fleecy and comfortable clothes and just wallow in a big pile of fluffy and cosy layers. Usually it involves my blanket jumper that is five times wider than me and falls down to my knees!


Have a relaxing bath.

Baths are my weakness in life, but most of the time I just can’t be bothered. At our house, we have a huge bath that rivals most hot tubs. For me to fill it up, it can take upwards of an hour. Which is why baths are few and far between and I opt for a shower. Those days where I just need to take some time, I lounge in the bath for a couple of hours. I pop my iPad on my bath caddy and just sit and enjoy the amazing relaxation of the bubbles and having some time to myself.


Order takeout food.

I love all foods that are greasy and fattening. When it is time for my self-pamper evening, I need all of the bad food. My top choices are always either a Chinese, an Indian or a greasy burger. Usually for me, a greasy burger always wins. There is a Five Guys near me that delivers and can be at my house in around 15 minutes. Once, I even ordered two burgers because I hadn’t had one in so long and it was food for the soul. I felt so great for just giving into one of my cravings and it made me feel so much better. I understand that may sound strange!


Watch one of my favourite movies.

If I am having day for myself, I need to watch a good movie. I am not going to lie, my usual go to movies are usually Jurassic Park films or Harry Potter. I don’t know if it is because I have watched them so many times, but I just feel so relaxed when watching them. For my evening self-pamper routine, I cant watch any new movies because there is so much anxiety with them. I need to watch something where I could recite the next line. Jurassic World is the ideal film for me on days like that!


Cuddle up with my doggo.

I refuse to believe that there is anything more calming than cuddling up with a golden retriever. My lovely Martha is absolutely the most snuggly and caring dog in the world. I feel like she is so in tune with me, that she knows when I need to take some time. If I am feeling high rate, I suddenly get more hugs and kisses from her, like she is reminding me to take some time to calm down and walk through these steps. It usually ends up with me and her on the sofa, under a duvet and vegging out for an entire day!


If you were feeling a little frazzled like me, I hope that this can help you. I usually get a lot of comfort from just taking a minute, stepping back and breathing. In my head I build up so many problems and blow them out of proportion. I need to quit doing that and put thing in perspective. I always feel like an evening self-pamper routine gets me right back in the zone and on track once again. I would love to hear from you guys on this. Leave me a comment below. Let me know what you do to take some time, relax and realign. It is so important to take steps to relax and I will always be the biggest advocate for some self-care time.


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