Even though I wish I wasn’t, sometimes there is no denying that I can be a glass half empty kind of person. I look at things and then my mind instantly goes to the worst-case scenario in so many different instances. It is how I am hardwired, and it is something that I have been working hard to change as the years tick by.
Nowadays, to try and correct the negative way in which my mind works, I focus hard on starting my day with as much optimism as I can. I think of the things that will put my headspace in the right place and that is what I am going to share with you guys today.
Plan my set routine.
You guys should have began reading this post and knew that there was going to be something in here about needing a plan and a routine. Each day when I wake up, I try to unload all of the thoughts in my mind. I do this by getting my planner and mapping out the day. It helps me stop worrying about everything that I am trying to remember. From there, I have a clear routine for the day and I know what I need to achieve and how it will be done.
Try to get some movement in.
As a bare minimum, I try to get my 10,000 steps in per day. However, when you have a seated office job, it can be very hard to get them in without walking for hours at night. So, I like to start my day as early as possible and go for a jog. Some days it might just be a walk. Basically, whatever I am capable of fitting in, that is what I will do. Any form of movement makes me feel my best and puts me in a great headspace to know that I have ticked something from my list early on.
Refresh my home.
Each evening before I go to bed, I go around and tidy my home. Moving cups, fluffing pillows and the like. From there, I can go to bed and rest easy at night knowing that my home was tidy. However, in a morning, I like to do a little refresh. Making the bed nice and neat, spraying the rooms, cleaner down the toilets, etc. I love it. Then when I get in from work, I don’t have to worry about anything and nothing plays on my mind throughout the day.
Have clear intentions.
Here on my site, I have often shared the importance of intention. For me, people have a choice when they wake up in a morning of how they want their day to play out. For me, I wake up every single morning and remind myself that I need to go about my day with the best of intentions. I try to leave any previous mood in bed, and I treat that day like a refresh. Since implementing thinking about intention clearly into each day, I have been in a much more positive headspace.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and l learning more about some of the ways that I try to start my day with optimism. It has helped me massively over the last few months. I cannot wait to see the difference that these, combined with some other differences make as the months tick by.
As always, I want to hear from you guys in the comments below regarding this. Do you start your days with positivity? Or is there anything that you think I should be adding into the mix?