I wish I could say that I was the kind of person that loved hard hitting and engaging movies, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The same goes for the novels that I enjoy. I like easy watching, something that flows without thinking and generally speaking, something that finishes with a happy ending. I know that is very boring to some people but that is just what I like. So, in this post I am going to share with you some movies that I think are the best of the best. The kind of movies that I find myself rewatching time after time.
Jurassic Park.
The first time I watched Jurassic Park, I was incredibly young. Probably far too young to be watching it. But I can vividly remember my dad putting the VHS tape in the player and us sitting on the sofa to take it in. From that moment, I was in love. The entire franchise is still one of my favourites and whenever people are in doubt, they will get me Jurassic Park merch. It’s always a winner!
Father of the Bride.
I have a very unhealthy obsession with Steve Martin. To be honest, every single movie that he has ever made, I could include in this post. I think that his comedic timing, tone and mannerisms are something that couldn’t be matched. If I think about my true comfort movie, it is without a doubt Father of the Bride. I have watched this hundreds of times over the years and I have no plan on slowing down with it any time soon.
Practical Magic.
I was actually very late onto the Practical Magic bandwagon. Somebody that I work with suggested that I give it a watch and I have loved it ever since. Especially given that it is set amongst a stunning New England style backdrop. There isn’t a single thing that I could change about this movie. It is simply perfect!
Harry Potter.
Even though as an adult, I do sometimes question myself watching a bunch of teenagers running around fighting the most notorious villain in the world. There is no denying the older that you get, the more plot holes you see in Harry Potter. But for me, nostalgia rules and I cannot help but finding myself rewatching these every single wintertime. Start in the beginning of November, watch one a week and it will take you right up to Christmas.
Lord of the Rings.
A couple of years ago, I holed up for the best part of a month and read the entire series of LOTR books. I fell in love with the world and instantly needed to watch the movies. They didn’t disappoint. I will admit that these are the only films that my husband cannot stand, but that doesn’t dampen my love for them. They are some of my forever favourite movies.
Three Men and a Baby.
You cannot tell me that this Tom Selleck classic isn’t one of your favourite movies too. I can remember the first time I put this on, I was instantly put off by how old fashioned it looked. I didn’t think that I would be able to get past it in the early days. However, I quickly moved past that when I fell in love with not only the plot, but also that dreamy man that is Tom Selleck. Who would have thought that a moustache would completely do it for me?
Da Vinci Code.
Now this movie, or this series of movies should I say, appeal to the history buff within me. For those of you that don’t know, I got a first in my history degree many years ago and the specific area of history that I adore and still to this day continue to learn about is the renaissance. So, a movie that brings in a gripping plot, historical mysteries and artwork. It’s a recipe to be a favourite!
The Other Woman.
Surely, I don’t need to explain this one? Three bomb ass women, taking a man down. What isn’t to love about that? I can remember going to the cinema to watch this and by the end I was fully whopping and hollering because I fell in love that much. Plus, its set in some of my favourite places in the world and that makes me love it so much more.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and learning more about some of the movies that I have automatically reverted back to over the years. These are now comfort movies to me because I know every second of them and I know that I’m not going to be thrown a curveball. It’s got to a point now when my husband hears the Jurassic Park theme, he knows that I am in the mood for a comfort movie. As always, I want to hear from you guys in the comments below. What are some of your favourite movies and why do you love them so much?