If you have been around here for some time, you will be well aware that I adore handbags. I would certainly say that I have purchased more handbags than any other accessory. Because of that, I have amassed quite the collection over the years. Which is why I wanted to write this post for you today and share my favourites.
But not just any favourites, here are my top daytime handbags from my collection. The go to items that I wear without a doubt when I am heading to work. They look smart, do everything that I need from my bags and always make me feel amazing. Most of these you will have seen me talk about before, but that just shows how much I adore them!
Mulberry Bayswater Satchel.
My classic everyday handbag is the stunning Mulberry Bayswater Satchel. I can remember when I first started working, back in 2013, I made a list of workwear items that I wanted to buy. This was right at the top of one of the lists. To me, this was a classic, adult handbag and I was desperate to get it for myself. This is now without a doubt one of the most worn bags in my collection, not just in terms of daytime wear, but just in general. For that reason, I have since bought this in a range of colours!
Louis Vuitton Neverfull.
There is no way that I could write a post about my top daytime handbags without mentioning the Louis Vuitton Neverfull. This was my first ever designer handbag. Just like it is for so many other people. It is a classic and timeless item that will never go out of style. For a while I did retire this because I thought the second-hand market had really tarnished what made this special. But in the end, I realised that I just had to put that to one side and enjoy this wonderful item for what it is.
Chanel Douville.
As you may already know, I am somewhat of a huge fan of Chanel. I have quite a few handbags in my collection now and I adore them all. Which is why I wanting a new handbag to become one my top daytime handbags. I opted for something that would be a little versatile all year round, which is why I went for the Chanel Douville. Essentially a canvas bag with the classic chain strap. I have to say, this is probably one of the most complimented handbags in my collection, which is why I carry it with me so often.
Dior Book Tote.
When the Dior Book Tote was first released, I was hooked. I loved the design of it and I knew that it would find a home in my closet. I waited a while because I didn’t want to make an impulse purchase. However, after a few months I knew that I had to get my hands on it. I purchased mine directly from Dior and I think it cost me around £2400. With how much I have worn this for work, travel and everything else in-between, I would buy it again in a heartbeat. Everything about this is sheer perfection. I get that this is a marmite handbag, but it is a winner in my book.
Bottega Venetta Arco.
The final handbag that I am going to mention is one of my favourites. Albeit one of the least practical. I adore everything about the Bottega Venetta Arco handbag when I want something with minimal branding. That is one of the main reasons why this is one of my top daily handbags. I can fit just about everything that I need in this. Including my work laptop. The only thing that makes this less than perfect is the suede fabric that I bought this in. Living in rainy England, suede isn’t always the best design choice. But I just love it so much.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post about my top daytime handbags. I have used each of these handbags more than I care to mention. But the good thing about that means that I have more than got my money’s worth out of them over the years. I just try to use them on rotation to minimise the look of wear. Plus, I take really good care of them to ensure they don’t look too loved. As always, I will pop a link below to these items if possible. Please leave me a comment below and let me know some of your go-to daytime handbags for me to check out.
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