As some of you may know, I have been doing this blogging thing for a long time. I first started out back when I was in college. Low on friends and with too much time on my hands, I turned on my old computer and started a blog. Almost a decade has passed since then. Which raises the question… how long do I think I will blog for?



The reason I started my first site.

As I briefly mentioned above, I started my first site all those years ago just for something to do. I was a nerd at school which meant that friends were thin on the ground. Either that or I felt like I was too grown up to be around them (even though I was the same age). I can remember one day sitting in the canteen at college and wanting to punch everyone in the face because they seemed so immature. Obviously feeling like that doesn’t get you many friends. Or at least not at that time of my life. So, with all of the spare time that I had sitting in my bedroom with makeup, I decided to do something with it.


Why I deleted it.

In 2018, my blog was riding high. I had gained some amazing backlinks from sites like Vogues, Harpers Bazaar and Harrods. My views went from thousands to millions over the space of a few months. With that, I threw myself into the work more and felt more creative than ever. However, I lost the person that I was closest to in the world, my grandfather. I was crushed. Depression came next and my thoughts convinced me that the best thing to do would be to delete my blog. It worked for a while, but I longed to have it back. I have regretted that decision ever since.


Why I came back to it.

The main reason why I came back to blogging is because I genuinely missed it. I can remember one evening being sat on the sofa with my husband. I was generally at a loss for what to do. At one point, I even turned to him and asked him what I do now and his simple response was… relax. I don’t know the meaning of the word. I need to be doing something, striving towards something and occupying my brain at all times. Blogging has always been something where I can channel my creative energies and I adore that. Which is one of the reasons why I it is so hard to answer how long do I think I will blog for.


What I get from blogging now.

I have always tried to be transparent about what I get from my blog. In terms of revenue, all I get from my blog is Google AdSense. Which essentially means that I get a few pound per thousand people on my site. If people then click an ad which appears and buy something, I will get commission. I also have affiliate links on some posts (when I can remember to add them). Other than that, my blog doesn’t generate revenue in any other ways as I stopped sponsored posts and working with brands. However, my blog is a platform and a gateway for the freelance work which I do for bigger brands away from the blogging space.


My long-term plans for my site.

Currently, I have no plans to change how I run my site. I write and upload every other day. At the moment that works for me. As soon as it no longer works for me, I will make a change. I would love to think that I can hit even bigger milestones. Whether it be 15 or 20 years. But I already know that over that time, my life is going to change in immeasurable ways. The long-term plan is that there are no long-term plans. Take everyday as it comes and just enjoy this space.


I hope that you guys enjoyed this post. Hopefully it gave you a little insight into blogging and how long do I think I will blog for. For me, this really is a hobby. The things that I have gotten from blogging are beyond my wildest dreams. A hobby created so many different avenues for me and I will be forever grateful.

But regardless of what else I got from blogging, this entity itself has always been a hobby. Like with any hobby, when the love and energy is no longer there, I will call it a day.


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