Today., I am going to be speaking to you guys about my goals in life. Over the years, I have gone back and forth about whether I think goals are good or not. In some instances I think they can set you up for failure. However, I do believe that they can spur you on for greatness if you stick to them.

So, at the beginning of this year, I set myself some goals. These are some of my goals in life that I have in the long term. I naturally will take all of them with a pinch of salt. However, if I don’t hit all of them, I will not be too disheartened. These goals were all set with the best of intentions and fingers crossed I tick them all off.


My Goals In Life


Thrive at work.

Money is a big motivator for me and I love working hard. I feel so lucky that I fell into a career that I really love. I am the head of a Marketing team and I just find it really easy. I feel like at work, I am recognised for what I do, but I don’t put myself forward enough. I want to climb the ladder even further. I know that I have the capability and the drive. However, I don’t know how much I communicate that to the people at the top level of the company that I want to be sat up there with them.


Cut down my hours.

Even though this may counter what I have just said, but I don’t want to work too much. I grew up with a dad that worked far too many hours. He wasn’t even 50 years old when he had his first mini heart attack. I know that I am good at my job and I am willing to put in as much time as required. However, I will not do it to the detriment of my family and my own free time. I think that it is all about your priorities. I work with a director of my company who works around 14 hour days and that just isn’t for me. I don’t think that I would be working smart if I did that also.


Enjoy my money.

I have mentioned before that I grew up in a household without much money. It was a single parent household and money was tight. Now, I feel blessed that I have a very good income. However, it has made me very frugal with my money. It almost feels like the rug could be pulled from under my feet at any given moment. I have plenty in savings and more in the bank that I could have ever dreamed. I am just scared that it is going to all go away. I need to start acknowledging that I earn this cash because I put in the work and I deserve it. Honestly, I need to get comfortable with actually spending it and enjoying spending it.


Be more outgoing.

For the most part and COVID aside, I am not an outgoing person. I like what I like and for the most part, that is being at home. Don’t get me wrong, I love being around those closest to me. But, I also like the time I spend alone. After working hard all week, sometimes I just want to decompress on my own. I like to sit on my sofa in my pyjamas watching 8 hours’ worth of Ghost Adventures. I want to force myself out of the house. I want to put on a fancy outfits and just embrace having a more active social life!


I hope that you guys liked this blog post. As I mentioned, these are my goals in life and I am going to plan on sticking to them. These are all things that I think I will be able to achieve; however, you never know what may happen. As I am sure you guys can tell, these things all vary in importance. I will probably give myself around 5 years or so before I revisit this list and see if I have achieved everything that I have mentioned.

I would love to hear from you guys. Please do leave me a comment below. Let me know what some of your life goals are. They don’t have to be the big things if you don’t want to share. I just think that it is great to start a dialogue and a discussion as a group!


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