Over the last few months, I have shared a hell of a lot about being a mother. Even though my intention is not to become a mummy blogger, there is so much in that early stage of pregnancy that needs sharing. I know before I gave birth, I scoured the internet for advice from other people that were living through the huge life changes, and it was very sparse.
There was the odd post that I found, but it all showed the positives of motherhood, not so much the realism of it all. However today, I thought that I would sit down and share with you guys my morning mum routine. The habits that I have gotten into since becoming a mother and how things generally run throughout the morning.
I wake up before baby, exercise and get myself ready.
I love to wake up around 4:30am. Some people think I am crazy because when baby sleeps, I should sleep. However, there are things that I want to do before I jump into motherhood mode. I climb out of bed, go on my Peloton, do some pilates or go for a run. Then once I am home, I will shower and get ready for the day. Usually that involves throwing on some comfortable clothing and applying my makeup for 15 minutes. I am incredibly grateful that my baby tends to wake up around 8am, so I have plenty of time. Even on days when I am not firing on all cylinders and up as early as planned, I can still get some time in for myself. Plus, I have always being an early bird, I love getting up early and I operate well on just a touch of sleep!
Gently wake baby up with a feed.
When it gets to around 9am, if my baby isn’t already awake, I will gently rouse them with a dream feed. Again, other people tell me that to leave a sleeping baby, but I think there is a benefit to keeping them in a good routine or there is a knock-on effect for other naps through the day. This is a lovely moment where we cuddle up on the nursing chair and it gets the day gently started for the baby. I find that as the food starts to hit their tummy, I get to see the most adorable, sleepy smiles and it warms my heart.
I have seen some other new mothers on TikTok share that they get baby up and ready before feeding them. However, from my own experience, if a feed isn’t the first thing that happens for my baby, there will be hell to pay. Perhaps we can stretch to switching out the overnight nappy, but that is the max that I am able to do before milk hits their lips.
Get baby ready for the day and then place them in their chair.
Once the baby has been fed and gently come around, I will get them ready for the day. That normally involves a quick wipe around, nappy change and a cute little outfit. I never do anything garish with their outfits, I am a sucker for comfort, soft fabrics and little onesies. Anything that will give me easy access to change nappies further down the line. I am actually upset thinking ahead of them being slightly older when it isn’t socially acceptable for them to be in onsies all the time. They’re just so cute!
Sort out the dog and feed her.
When baby is ready, I tend to lay them down in their bassinet or bouncing chair and then I sort the dog. Martha the lovely Golden Retriever is incredibly patient while I deal with the baby, but then she goes crazy to go in the garden for a morning wee before coming back inside and having her breakfast. I feel like she gives me just about enough time to sort the baby, but if I push her too far she will begin side eyeing me and grumbling around the house like she is the most hard done to dog in the world.
Breakfast for myself and a quick house tidy.
Then normally in between doing everything else, I will begin to do something for myself. Usually, it is just a quick piece of toast or some cereal while I run around the ground floor of our house and straighten things up a little. It is always manic, but it is just a little time for myself while the baby is babbling away and Martha is eating her breakfast. I say babbling away, but in actual fact we are quickly approaching the five month milestone and baby has found their voice, it is shouting and screaming galore. All happy though, but still as loud as hell.
Get out of the house for a walk or jog.
Once everybody has relieved themselves and had breakfast, this is the time when we get out of the house. Come rain or shine. The baby will go into the pram, Martha will be on the lead and I will have my headphones on. Once we are out of the house, we can be out and about for hours. It gets me moving for a while so that even if the afternoon is just spent on the sofa, we’ve all had a bit of fresh air for the days. Plus, I saw the biggest difference to my postpartum journey in terms of regaining my strength and eliminating my c-section backpain once I began to move a little more.
Prep dinner for the evening.
When we are back home, it is normally naptime for the doggo and the baby. This is when I will start dinner for the evening. I will do any prep that I can do so that dinner time runs a little smoother once my husband is back from work and it turns into a madhouse all over again. There is nothing more that I love than knowing that I have ticked a lot off my list and I’ve been proactive with my time.
Baby feed time and lunch.
When that is over and naptime is over, it is time for another feed. It is a never-ending cycle and sometimes I feel like all I do is feed and change nappies. Especially because my baby doesn’t like larger bottles, so I feed small and often. We are currently on 5oz every 2 hours throughout the day, and when a feed can take us 30 minutes, it feels like all I am doing. But it is an incredible feeling at the same time. Being a mother is unlike anything else I know, or have felt before, but I am loving every minute of it.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and learning more about my morning mum routine. The small things that I do which make a big difference to hour our days typically run. Every day has been different since I tried to implement this plan. Nothing will ever be smooth running, especially when you have a little baby that doesn’t really want to go with the flow. However, I have found that having some kind of routine and structure to our day helps the both of us. As the months tick by, I will continue trying to have a firm morning routine to get us both off on the right foot.