And just like that, I have closed the chapter on my second trimester. I cannot believe that I am now entering the third and final stage of this pregnancy. At the same time, it has been the shortest and longest period of my life. I feel like the days are dragging until we get to meet our amazing little baby. But at the same time I look back and it only feels like two minutes since I took a pregnancy test and saw the positive result. In this post I thought that I would sit down and share with you some of the things to know about the second trimester and how it was for me.



My energy came back.

I didn’t think that I would ever feel normal again in terms of energy once after the first trimester. But I would say around the 18-week mark, I did begin to feel more ‘normal’. There still felt like there was something incredibly bizarre happening to my body. But I no longer felt like I had to nap for 15 hours per day. I was able to be more pro-active and that alone made me feel much more like myself. I am somebody that likes to always be ticking things from my list. In the first trimester I think I spent most of my time laying horizontal.


My bump popped.

When I announced my pregnancy, my bump wasn’t even present. I think when I first told my friends, they looked down to my belly and doubted if I was really almost 22 weeks pregnant. I assured them that I was and had the scans to prove it, but my bump certainly didn’t look more than just a big plate of pasta. But then later in the second trimester baby bump came out to play. There is no denying now that baby is growing big and very healthy. There is a comfort now in seeing my thriving bump!


Overly emotional.

I am normally like tinman. I cannot cry or show emotion. That went out of the window during my second trimester. All of a sudden, I was crying all day, pretty much every day. There was one day where I saw a dead squirrel on the side of the road, and I had to stop the car because I was unconsolably sobbing. Over a fucking squirrel. I think the worse was when I rewatched Schitt’s Creek and had to watch the last episode. Honestly, I was on the floor, on my hands and knees crying like my husband had died. Literally just because I was happy crying that much!


Appointment overload.

The second trimester saw more appointments than I ever thought was possible. In the early days, I thought that I was monitored closely because of my fertility issues. However, it didn’t seem to reduce when I passed into the second trimester. I am at the hospital for scans, checks and bloods almost every fortnight. I’m incredibly grateful for the NHS and the help that I am getting from them. But I think even though the constant appointments can get annoying, they give my OCD incredibly peace of mind.


Getting things together.

With the return of my energy which has been missing for some time, I decided to get shit done. Everything that I have been procrastinating with since I found out I was pregnant, I did over the past few weeks. I fully decorated and renovated the babies room. With wall panelling, wooden flooring, electrics, and just about everything else. I was busy and I loved every single moment of it. I thrive on being productive, so I am happy that baby is now playing ball and allowing me to get shit done.


As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post about my second trimester. It was an amazing few months. I felt more like myself, and my energy went back to normal. Throughout, I did still get bouts of nausea, but I think that may be the case until the end of my pregnancy. Generally speaking, I feel well. I am looking forward to this third and final stage of my pregnancy. It all feels incredibly real now. Especially now the nursery is coming together, I have prepped for maternity leave and things are coming together. It only adds to the excitement of it all. Leave me a comment below and let me know if you’ve been pregnant and how the second trimester was for you.


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