I really wish that I was one of those bold people that can pull off eye-catching outfits. The truth is, that just isn’t me. I feel like I could throw something together that was out of my comfort zone, but I would feel incredibly uncomfortable. Even though some would say that my fashion choices are quite safe and boring, it is how I feel my best. So, I thought that today I would let you know some of my unwritten rules for my outfits.

My ultimate aim is to look back on photos of myself in 2030 and not regret my choices. Nobody is ever going to regret wearing a neutral blazer and a pair of simply Jimmy Choo Pumps. I am all for timeless fashion choices and that is what I am going to share with you today!



Always cinch where possible.

My waist is by far one of my best physical features. Regardless of the shape of the rest of me or whatever my fluctuating dress size, my waist is always small. For this reason, if I am wearing dresses or anything like that, I will take a small waist belt and cinch. I have a small collection of waist belts in my collection including my Saint Laurent, Hermes and Loewe. Then, when I throw on one of my floaty mini dresses that I like to wear with tights for work, I put on one of these belts and I am good to go. Not only does it help to give me shape, but it also helps me feel my best because I feel a little more sassy in my outfits.


If in doubt go for neutrals.

I mentioned above, I wish that I was one of those people to be adventurous, but that is not me. My general rule for when I am getting dressed is if I am in doubt, I will opt for neutrals. My capsule wardrobe that I am very particular about is mainly blacks, nudes, whites and creams. Even though it may not be exciting, these are the colours that make me feel great and empowered. I love how they look and the combinations always just work for me. I know that when I look back at photos of myself, neutrals will still be in fashion, unlike some of the neon’s that are in fashion at the moment. To help diversify my closet, I tend to buy the same items in a number of shades so that I have a broad range of neutrals at my disposal.


Don’t go too oversized.

I really have two sides to my style. I have the side that loves clean tailoring and the other side that is grungy through and through. For me, I have fallen into the trap of going too oversize in some instances. For example, the band t-shirts that I love to wear. I have always just got the biggest size because it was super comfy and I thought that it looked chic. It didn’t. It wasn’t until I went out one evening, I was stood in an elevator and when I saw the 360-degree mirror, I saw how it just drowned my size and made me look hell of a lot bigger than I am. Typically I am a size 6, but I was wearing size 20 t-shirts and jumpers. Now I size up just a couple of size as a maximum. It looks more tidy and well put together.


If it looks tired, get rid.

I am incredibly guilty of doing this, but I will hold onto items until they fall apart. For example, I have some cashmere jumpers by the brand Joseph that set me back a couple hundred pound each, that really need to be retired. They are starting to bobble, the soft texture is not the same and here are even some thinner areas in places. The thing that I always try to do is to get rid of them before it is noticeable to others that it is looking tired. I was guilty of this when I was younger and I didn’t have the money to replace items as soon as I would like. It made me look quite sloppy. Even if I paired it with other items that were fine, they still dragged the look down and made me feel insecure.


Don’t wear something that makes me feel uncomfortable.

A rule that I do like to follow when it comes to my outfits is that I always like to be comfortable. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean that I always wear sweatpants all the time. It just means that for example, if I have a shirt on, I like to be able to move freely, etc. It is not only for practicality but also just for how it makes me feel. When I get dressed, I want to wear clothes that empower me. I feel my best when I don’t feel stuffed into anything or uncomfortable. I want to be able to strut my way through my day and absolutely feel myself. For many years, I was wearing bras that weren’t a suitable size and they crippled me. Just changing that up and getting the right size made me feel like a new person!


Contain my capsule wardrobe.

I have mentioned a couple times here on my blog that I have a capsule wardrobe. It was around 2017 that I began to cultivate my capsule wardrobe. Now, I have a great collection of basic items that are fantastic and can be worn in a wide variety of ways. For me, I need to keep my closet in check and really edited down. I can very easily buy many new items and before I know it, I have clutter. Even though it is not a negative to have loads of clothes, it can make it harder for me to put my outfits together. Just the sheer volume of items means that there are more possibilities and it gets overwhelming. I love how simple my capsule wardrobe is and it helps me stay on track and feel my absolute best.


I hope that you guys liked this blog post and getting to know all about my fashion rules. Honestly, I completely understand that fashion is subjective. It is something that people can express themselves with. I truly love seeing other people expressing themselves with bold choices. For me, I just like to play things safe and stick to what know. As I mentioned, my true style is just timelessness and that is what I adore. I like clean-cut lines, simple fabrics and elegant looks. I would love to hear from you guys, so please do leave me a comment down below. Let me know if you have any fashion rules that you stick to and that you construct your outfits around!


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