A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post for you guys about how I have well and truly caught the reading bug. It happened somewhat by accident but there is no stopping me now. And with that said, I thought that I would spend some time today looking through my Goodreads account and thinking about what the best novels are that I have read this year so far.

These books weren’t necessarily released this year, but they are simply books that I discovered and read this year. These are my 5-star readings that I have loved indulging in from within the romance sector.



The Deal – Elle Kennedy

As I have gotten older, I feel like I enjoy books more where the MMC and FMC are a similar age to myself. However, this book was an exception to the rule. To be honest, all Elle Kennedy books have been like that for me.

Almost instantly, I fell in love with the main characters of this novel. And even though there is certainly a part of me that reads it and is sceptical about characters that meet at essentially university in their early 20’s has the legs to go the distance. However, this book allowed me to put that to one side and get lost in the characters.

I think I have read this probably 3 times this year because I love the childlike whimsy of it all. This book makes me think that true, young love is a very real thing.


It Happened One Summer – Tessa Bailey

I know that this book was released a few years ago, but it was something new that I picked up and I fell in love. I would say out of all the novels that I am going to mention, this is probably the one that is furthest from reality and I guess that is one of the reasons why I fell so hard for it.

This novel is about a Paris Hilton type that falls in love with a deep-sea fisherman. It has fantastic humour, great smut and a lovely development storyline that makes you swoon for the characters.

I love a novel that has a really strong FMC and this novel certainly does and that is one of the main reasons why I fell for this book.


Flawless – Elsie Silver

Ok, so I may just be talking about Flawless here, but I really do mean it for the entire Chestnut Spring series. Don’t get me wrong, I think some of them stand out from the crowd better than others, but I wanted to start with Flawless in this post.

You have the classic romance and amazing smut in this novel. However what really captured me about this novel was the description of the environment and the different events.

If you have been visiting this site for some time, you will know that I am a sucker for country music, the south of America, a western way of life and everything in-between. So getting to read a novel that not only has an amazing story, but also ties in these locations that I would kill to visit, it is a no brainer that it is a match made in heaven.


Ready or Not – Cara Bastone

There is no getting away that this novel is about an unplanned pregnancy. It trusts people together and it is mainly about how the expectant mother is navigating the change that she is going through.

Naturally because this is a book that I love, there is a true romance throughout the tale, however it is so much more than that.

I think the main reason why I fell for this and it was a 5-star read for me was because I was heavily pregnant while reading it. It really spoke to me about the different highs and lows and when it came to that feeling after the FMC had the baby, I was gone.


Just For The Summer – Abby Jimenez

This book has been taking the world by storm this year and for good reason. I think as I get older, even though I am still a sucker for an otherworldly romance, I like them to have real life udnertones. Whether that be harder hitting storylines or punchy things that make you really think. This novel does that.

I still walked away feeling goey, but I certainly cried, empathised and laughed during this novel. It is novels like this that accurately portray that things aren’t black and white, things come along and trip you up, but its what you do with that and how you keep going.

Such a fantastically written novel.


As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and learning more about some of my 5-star book reads from the year. I am sure that because I have uploaded this post midway through the year that my favourites will change. However, it just means that I will have to update you at the end of the year with my final round up.

I want to hear from you in the comments. What books have you loved this year and what do you think about the novels that I’ve mentioned above?


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