If you have been visiting my site for some time, you may already know this tale. I started my first blog when I was around 15 years old. After much hard work and dedication, my site reached unbelievable heights. It massively outshone anything that I thought I would be able to achieve. However, just as things were getting good, I decided to delete my site completely. I was not doing well personally, and my blog was one variable that I could control. Instantly, I felt lighter and like a weight had been lifted.
However, I very quickly missed my creative outlet, and I re-entered the blogging space. Since I started my blog, things have changed massively in the creative space. In this post, I am going to share with you some of the reasons why I continue to blog.
It is a creative outlet.
The main reason why after all this time I continue to blog is because it allows me to be creative. In my full-time job I am a creative and that doesn’t stop just because I step out of the workplace. Doing this really helps to fulfil me and I adore that. Putting the bones of something together and then seeing it come to fruition is out of this world. I thought that the feeling would lose its novelty after all of this time, but it certainly hasn’t for me!
I get to try new items.
I obviously have an obsession when it comes to beauty products. However, without my blog I would look like a psychopath to have so many beauty products. I know when I deleted my first blog and I placed a big beauty haul and I felt irrational for doing so without having a purpose for it. With my blog, it gives me a reason. I either get sent or buy new items and I have the opportunity to review them, break them down and share my thoughts. I love that process and it means that I can buy without hesitation!
It gives me an excuse to dress up.
I live in the North of England. I work in a simple office and my chances to get my glad rags on are fairly slim. Because of my blog, I put outfits together, take pictures of them and get to share them with you guys. If it wasn’t for my site I fear that I would have a rather stagnant corporate wardrobe and I certainly don’t want that. My blog keeps me looking for fresh new looks and I adore that. My husband can always tell when I have made new content because I will look amazing!
I have developed amazing relationships.
Since I made my first blog, I have worked very hard to be social in the space. It is one of the first things that made me initially fall in love with blogging. We would all go out of our way to check out what other people did and offer them support. To be honest, this is something that I really miss in the space at the moment. However, some of the friends that I met in the early days are still very much firm friends now. I love that from something as simple as this site, I have got amazing friends.
I have had amazing opportunities.
The opportunities that I have gained from my little site are amazing. Not only have I received PR from some of the biggest brands in the world. I have also worked in collaboration with some of the most outstanding companies. I mean I am on the payroll for Harrods for God sake, does it get any better than that? In the early days I did get invited to a lot of events, but that isn’t something that I really enjoy anymore. However, everything else has been simply amazing!
It is a part of who I am.
When you have been blogging for as long as I have, it becomes a part of you. It is a part of my standard daily routine that I get up, do what I need to do and blog in between. I really do consider my blog to be a main part of my career and my skillset as I do my main full-time job. It is something special and if I was going to change anything later down the line, I would make sure that it is after much consideration.
As always, I hope that you guys enjoyed this post about why I continue to blog. I imagine that there are many people out there that are in the same boat as myself. Every now and again you question why you are doing this. I spend so much time developing content, with photography and scheduling my posts. Not to mention the time that I spend being social in the blogging space.
It is hell of a lot and I am always conscious of the long list of things that I am not doing. However, I think that for at least a while, I am here to stay. I would love to hear from you guys on this subject. If you blog, why do you continue to blog?