Today, I thought that I would share 10 things about me. You may already know, but I have been blogging now for quite some time. During my years online, I have shared certain aspects, but kept other things close to my chest. I used to share hell of a lot online, at times I probably overshared. I guess with growing up, I decided to reign it back in a little more. That may leave some of the new visitors to my blog not really knowing I am or understanding me. So, I am going to put that right today by sharing 10 things about me. Some of these things you may already know, but I hope that this gives you chance to learn something new.


10 Thing About Me


I got married when I was 24.

I got married a couple of years back when I was just 24 years old. The saying “when you know, you know”, is so true. We were considered very young to be getting married and we did face a hell of a lot of questions. Most people thought that I had gotten pregnant and that was the only reason why we did it. I just wanted to be a family unit with the man who I loved for 8 years prior.


I work in marketing.

I have mentioned this before, but I am the head of a marketing department for a healthcare company. I started out straight from university as an assistant in the department and I worked my way up the ranks. I didn’t have the qualifications to back it up, but they saw potential in me and progressed me up the ranks. Luckily, I adore my job and I feel like working in marketing just comes incredibly naturally to me. I love that every single day is a little different and I get to be creative. I know that this is my career for life. It was the best decision that I ever made and we are blissfully happy to say the least.


I once broke both of my legs at the same time.

When I was 8 years old, my dad picked me up for the weekend. That same weekend, he went and bought a new car. After picking up the car, we went into town to do some shopping. He was a little unsure how long the car was, so he encouraged 8-year-old me to get out of the car, stand behind him and tap on the boot when he was getting close. Little did I know that the Jaguar had incredible soundproofing. He didn’t hear me banging on the boot and he crushed my little legs in between his car and the concrete wall. All bones were completely shattered. Casts for months and a wheelchair to get around.


I have an eidetic memory.

This is the thing that makes me incredibly nerdy, but I have an eidetic memory. Some people don’t really believe that people can have a photographic or eidetic memory as I do, but I feel like I am an exception to the rule. I basically remember everything that I see. It is this that allowed me to get my degree when I was only 14 years old. I Even though it does make me incredibly nerdy, I know that I am blessed to have this weird thing. Not going to lie, it has opened me up to ridicule, but as I have gotten older, I have learned to love it.


I have a golden retriever called Martha.

If you follow me over on Instagram then there is a strong chance that you have seen Martha. I am the biggest dog person in the world. I love my dog so much. I feel like she is essentially a therapy dog for me. No matter what, she is always glued to my side and I adore her for that. Never in my whole life have I met a dog as cuddly and loving as Martha. Everybody adores her and I really do feel like I was incredibly lucky to be blessed with such a wonderful dog.


I struggle with my mental health.

This is something that I have shared openly on my blog, but I do struggle. I have OCD, which then causes depression and anxiety. I feel like 95% of the time I am able to manage my OCD. That 5% though, sends me into a deep dive, lower than I ever thought was possible. For me, medication and talking therapy help me so much. I would not be here today if it were not for those two things. I am now learning to deal with my condition much better and I feel like I am at peace with my mental illness.


I make better friends with men than women.

All of my life, I have always found it much easier to make friends with men. I don’t know what it is, but women just seem to peg me as a bitch when they first meet me. That means that women are normally quite cold towards me until they get to know me a little more. For that reason, I have always just gravitated towards men. Even when I was growing up my two closest friends were Sam and Marcus. I love them both dearly to this day. You always know where you are with male friendships, they are so easy.


My blog is my escape.

I have hell of a lot going on in my everyday life and to be honest, my blog is my escape. Even though my little space on the internet causes me so much more work, I love it. For me, sitting down and writing a blog post makes me forget everything else that I have going off in my life. I need that every now and again. When I get back from caring for my nan, I love to sit down and comb through the comments, just to take my mind off everything else that is swirling around my brain.


I first worked with Vogue when I was 19.

After blogging for two years, I received an email from Vogue asking if I would work with them on their beauty section of the website. I was actually at my full-time job when I received the email and I think I screamed the place down. I naturally bit their hand off and I carried out that freelance work for many years. That one email opened up the door to so many wonderful opportunities. Now, I have done a hell of a lot of work for Vogue and my name has even been printed in the magazine before. A dream comes true.


I am incredibly frugal.

I am sure that it does not seem like it from reading my blog, but I am a frugal person. I grew up in a household where money was always tight. My mother was a single mom. It was always hard to make ends meet. Growing up I can remember promising myself that I would never usher the words “I’m skint”. Now, I save my money meticulously. I have so many different savings pots that I have standing orders set up to and the money left in my current account I can play with. I also don’t buy anything that I couldn’t buy three times over.


I hope that you guys enjoyed this blog post and learning 10 things about me. I want to begin to connect more with the people who take time out of their day to read my blog. It means the world to me that people choose to read what I have worked on. I never thought that I would be so lucky to have the big audience that I have got. I understand that some people may not want to be quite as open as I have been.

But I would love for us to get a dialogue going in the comments below. I want to get to know people, especially those who comment on my posts every single week. So, as always, please do leave me a comment below. I will respond to every single one of you and I really do want to learn more about you!


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