It is time for a new beauty post here on my blog. This time I am going to be speaking to you about an eye cream that I have been using now for the best part of a year. That is the Ole Hendriksen Banana Eye Bright Cream. Like many people I first heard about Ole Hendriksen through the whole YouTuber Influencer community. I feel like, in around 2018, their products just burst onto the scene.

It seemed like everybody and their mothers was using this product. Naturally, I had to get my hands on some of the most popular products. Some of the products I loved as soon as I began to use it, others I reserved judgement and continued to use them.

Ole Hendriksen Banana Eye Bright Cream


Have I seen a difference since using this?

The first thing that I want to talk about is if this eye cream actually made a difference. I know that most people will think that it is strange that I am asking this question. But I have tried out many eye creams over the years. I am sad to say that in some instances, the products did absolutely nothing for me. I didn’t see the point in using them. For me, this Ole Hendriksen Banana Eye Bright Cream does give me hydration to my under eyes. Which is what I am after whenever I apply my eye cream. It means that it temporarily makes the fine lines under my eyes look much smoother. When I am going in with my makeup and because of the hydration, the darkness under my eyes can look a little lighter!


Do I think I have seen any long-term changes?

I have already mentioned that I felt like this Banana Eye Bright Cream made my under eyes feel really great straight after I applied this, but now I want to move onto speaking about if I have seen any long term benefits from using this item. For me, if I am spending a lot of money on a product like this, I want it to not only perform there and then, but I want it to be working wonders on my skin to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, help target darkness and to help the overall texture and feel of my skin. I am going to be incredibly honest here and say that since I began using this, I have not seen any long-term benefits which I have seen with some of the other eye creams that I have used and loved over the years.


How do I feel about the scent?

One thing that I have seen people be incredibly critical about when in review of this Ole Hendriksen Banana Eye Bright Cream is that it is quite heavily scented. To be honest, when I first opened this and started using it, I wasn’t immediately struck by an overpowering scent, but I will admit that while I was applying it and once it was sat on the skin, I could notice the scent. Even though it didn’t overly bother me that it smelt like bananas, I will say that it made me worried. Generally, I have pretty sensitive skin and I usually stay away from products with fragrance in anyway, so actually applying it close to my eyes and lash line made me pretty nervous. I will say that fortunately, I didn’t have a reaction, but I still feel iffy about the fragrance element of this product.


Do I think that it is worth the money?

I think that following the points which I have previously made. I just don’t think that this item is 100% worth the cash. Honestly, I would be reluctant to spend this kind of money moving forward for this item. Even though it is a nice product, and it does make my under eyes more hydrated. I am not happy to spend almost £35 per pot when it simply doesn’t blow me out of the water. I will admit that I think that this is a great item to reach for every now and again. It is a nice quality product, but I know I can get something better from the drugstore for cheaper.


I hope that you guys liked this blog post. If you are looking for a new eye cream that this can help you out a little. I know that realistically, this blog post may have sounded a little negative. I wasn’t entirely gushing about the item. Realistically, it is just an ok product in my book. It helped my under eyes in the fact that it made the skin feel more hydrated. There was less tugging and resistance when I was applying my makeup. However, I don’t think that this has revolutionized the same and I just don’t think I could spend this much money month in and month out.




ole henriksen

Banana Bright Eye Cream

A refreshing eye cream that has found a home within my skincare routine.

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