My career is something that is very important to me. I am incredibly proud of what I have been able to achieve in a relatively short period of time. After I finished my degree, I knew that I was not going to have a career which utilised my qualifications. So I bounced around office jobs until I found a home in marketing.

There were many long nights. Stressful weekends and unpaid overtime on my climb up the ladder. I am now the head of my department with a great team working underneath me and I honestly could not be happier. One thing that is am a sucker for is that I just cannot switch off. When I am driving home in the evening after a full day in the office, I am thinking about the things that I need to do the next day.


Myself Off From Work


Write for my freelance opportunities.

I know that this is a pretty niche one to me, but I think broadly that it is so important to have a hobby and to have something that can take your mind off everything that is running around your mind. I can get lost in writing content and if I am really in the zone, I may be able to knock 5 or so different posts in one sitting. We have a snug in our home which is a wonderful and comfy space with lots of snuggly nooks to it and I love to curl up under a pile of blankets and just write for hours on end. Granted, it is a different kind of work, but it soothes me and it is something that I truly love.


Do some exercise.

I wish that I could say that I love to exercise, but the bug has just well and truly left my system recently and I cannot stand it. I go through waves in my life where I am a real gym bunny, and then other periods where I resemble a couch potato. At the minute, I really am having to force myself, but I always feel hell of a lot better for doing so. It might not be an hour and a half that I would like to do, but even just going for a walk or a light jog makes me feel so much better. At the minute, I have just been taking my extremely lazy golden retriever for a 20-minute jog and then by the time I get back home, my mind is so far away from work and it feels absolutely incredible!


Communicate with my husband.

Even though I may see my husband and sit with him, it is not very often that we get into a deep and meaningful conversation and it is just the best thing in the world when we do. Plus, we don’t just live with one another, we also work together, which is fantastic because when I have any problems at work, or vice versa, we completely understand each other and we can work out the problems together. This normally involves for us, sitting down with a glass of wine, turning the TV and just chatting the night away. It is always a good laugh and we put the world to rights. I really do think that there is chatting to one another and then taking it to the next level and it is really great to just communicate and regroup every so often.


Watch something gripping.

I can remember a while back, I saw something online that said that people with anxiety watch the same movies and TV shows over and over again because they know how it ends and it won’t make them even more anxious. This is definitely the case for me, so I isn’t very often that I watch anything new, even if I really want to. Every now and again, I force my husband to sit down with me and we watch something together. The sadists that we are, this is normally something true crime related and I love getting fully immersed into something new that I haven’t seen before (even if it does make me more anxious). I think at this stage we have watched every single documentary that there is on Amazon Prime and Netflix.


Pamper myself.

This is something that I really need to work on and that is making more time to pamper and care for myself. Just getting away from all tech is a great way to stop me from working any extra hours, so it is great sometimes just to go up to my dressing room and give myself a new manicure. The list of things that I do is endless, from perming my lashes, to laminating my brows and so much more in between. It always makes my feel so much better and I feel incredibly refreshed by the end of the evening. Plus, normally by the time I have finished with a task like this, I don’t feel the need to pick my phone back up, it fully zones me out for the rest of the evening and that is 100% what I need.


I know that these are all really small things. But they are things that have really made a difference to me. How I switch off at the end of the day. Otherwise, I had terrible habits of getting home, having a million ideas and tasks running through my mind. Before I knew it, I was sat in my office working away. It wasn’t good for my stress levels and also completely unnecessary. I was just doing it because of how passionate I am for my job. I would love for you guys to leave me a comment down below. Llet me know some of the ways that you switch off and begin to relax!


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