Over the past couple of years, I have really kicked my arse into gear. My fitness and health for a long time took a backseat. One weekend, I had what I call an awakening and I knew I had to make a change. From that moment on, I overhauled every single aspect of my life. I wanted to get in the best shape of my life.

I had spent far too much time feeling unhappy with how I looked. Even if that meant that I could no longer eat a share bag of Dairy Milk buttons in an evening. I wanted to make this change, not just for my health but for my confidence. Let me tell you, making big changes and shrinking the inches has made me grow 10 foot taller and my confidence increased immeasurably. Here is my fitness and healthy day routine!


My Fitness and Healthy Day Routine


5am – Wake Up and Walk The Dog

The first thing that I always do in a morning to get me going is I walk the dog. I knew when I got my lovely Martha that walking would be a big part of our bond. Without a doubt, come rain or shine, we will be walking at 5am. I even love the rainy days because it allows me to breathe in so much fresh air. I know that to some it is incredibly early, but it helps me get started in the right way!


6am – 40 Minute Peloton Class

There is nothing that I adore more than a morning cycle. I need it to get me going for the day. Not going to lie, some mornings I really do struggle getting motivated first thing in the morning. However, I also know that if I don’t do it first thing in a morning, I will not do it. There are a million and one reasons not to work out in an evening, but at this time in the morning, it is the only thing to do it. 90% of the time I can hop on no issues at all. Sometimes I am not that lucky!


7am – Breakfast and Cool Down

Following my spin session, I like to take some time to cool down. I take myself down into my kitchen wearing my dressing gown. There, I spend some time with my dog, I have a coffee and I scroll through my phone. It gives me time to cool down before I get ready for work and it allows my adrenaline to settle down. Normally at this time I will clear out my inbox so that I can start the day with a lovely clear mind.


8am – Working Hours

After getting ready and heading into the office, it is working hours’ time. As I have mentioned before, I am the head of a Marketing department at a healthcare company. I love my job, however it certainly can be very hard work at times. Not to mention that outside of work I also do my blog and freelance for Vogue. It can be intense, but I love it to be honest. At work I do a couple of hours extra in a morning, so that I can leave on time in an evening!


5pm – Gym Class (Usually Weight Training)

Three times a week straight from work, I head to the gym. I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to the gym. Most days after work I am burnt out and just want to head home. However, when I have a goal in mind, I don’t think twice about getting in two sessions. Whereas in a morning I shred with some cardio, in an evening I like to tone and do some weight training. Usually, I stick with my personal trainer or I wouldn’t have a clue what to do otherwise!


6pm – Cook Tea for The Family

When I get home from work, one of the most important things is cooking with my husband. Normally one of us sits on the side of the kitchen and we watch and chat with the other person while we cook. Here, we talk about our days, decompress a little and shoot the shit. It makes me feel so much better chatting to my husband at the end of the day and we have done this for almost a decade at this point.


8pm – Walk The Dog and Prep for The Next Day

Last thing at night, for me to get myself ready for bed, I take Martha on a little walk. We just go down by the water where we live. Breathe in the fresh air and it makes me so much happier and more relaxed for bed. Once we are back from our walk, I get things ready for the next morning, whether it be my sports bottle for my exercise, my clothes laid out for work and other little bits!


I hope that you guys liked reading this post and seeing what I do. In no way do I want this blog post to come across as preachy. For many years, I knew that I wanted to make a change to my health and fitness. The thing is, at many points when I thought about it, I was not in the right headspace.

I needed that moment, where everything just seemed to settle into place. For me, that included me sitting down, giving myself a good talking to and setting a plan in place. I hope that if you guys are like I was, unhappy with your health and fitness, this gives you the push you need. On the other hand, if you are 100% happy with where you are at, I take my hat off to you. It is all about happiness and health.


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