Who can believe that I am already in the final stages of my pregnancy? The last 8 months have just flown by, and I can’t believe that we are approaching the final few weeks. I feel like there is so much that I want to do before our baby arrives and our lives change forever.

In this post, I am going to share with you how I’m spending my last few pregnant weeks. The small things that will make me feel prepared for motherhood and get me in the best headspace for my impending birth.



Seeing my family.

I know that once baby is here, I am going to want as much time at home to adjust. Because of that, I want to make an effort to go and see people before I come a little homebody recluse. People can of course come to see me once the baby is here, but I know that for some time I will want to be holed up at home and take it steady in terms of adjusting to our new life. This means that I want to spend as much time with those that I normally see regularly, like my grandparents.


Going for walks.

At the moment, the only real exercise that I am doing is going for regular walks. I was told a couple months ago that I had to tone down some of the HIIT workouts that I was doing and the high energy spin classes. Now, I am making sure that I am getting in my 10,000 steps and keeping my body active. I will no doubt tie in seeing some of my friends and make them accompany me as I take on my miniature hikes through the fields!


Watching movies.

I know this sounds pretty terrible, but one of my favourite things to do, is to lay down and do nothing. That is one thing that I am going to miss. People have said that for a long time relaxing will be out of the window. So, for as many hours as I can, I am going to remain horizontal and do nothing but watch all of my favourite movies. I may also throw the odd boxset into the mix, like Will and Grace!


Eating spicy foods.

My mid-wife said that it could happen any day now. So naturally I want to bring things ahead if at all possible. Which means that my husband is feeding my craving for everything hot and spicy by cooking me amazing home cooked curries every single evening. I am going to be shoveling in so much Vindaloo that I’ll be sweating.


Pre-planning as much as possible.

You guys should know by now that with my OCD, I am a planner. I love to make clear plans that I can stick to. It isn’t going to be easy with my upcoming birth, but everything else around it, I can plan in fine detail. Including meal plans, food prep, getting ahead on my posts, liaising with my freelance companies and so much more. By doing this, I will feel much calmer when it does come to welcoming our new baby.


Spending time with my husband and dog.

In between everything else that I have mentioned and during the things listed above, I will be making memories with my husband and my dog. It is going to not only be a massive change for my husband and I, but my amazing Golden Retriever, Martha, is going to be confused as hell about what is happening in her home. I want her to know that her parents adore her and make her feel as special as possible before things change forever.


As always, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post and learning more about how I’m spending my last few pregnant weeks. These are all small things, but things that I want to do, should be doing and will thoroughly enjoy. This is my final chance to make memories with my husband and puppy dog before our family dynamic changes forever. As excited I am, it also makes me a little sad to know that this amazing chapter of our life is coming to a close. But, for now it is just all about relaxing, feeling good and preparing myself.


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