Blogging for me has always been a passion project. I started my blog all of those years back because I just wanted something to do. Makeup and fashion was my passion and I wanted to share my thoughts with people. Over the years, my blog developed into much more than I ever envisioned. Even though blogging is still not about getting millions of people to my site, it is always encouraging to see.
If you see your traffic ticking up, it helps you to know that people are enjoying your content. Once you know that, you can get a better understanding of where your focus should be moving forward. As I work in marketing, I thought that I would share some of the ways that you can get more blog views. These are simple things that are really effective.
Improve your site SEO.
I could speak about SEO forever and a day. A couple of months back I actually wrote a post all about what SEO is and why it is so important. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. If you have a site which is optimised for SEO, your site will appear high up on Google when anybody searches There are standard things that you can do, i.e. having internal and external links, meta information, good text length, etc. You can find so much online about the things that you can do to increase your SEO. The issue with SEO is that it is a slow burner and results are very slow, but it is worth it.
Think about readability.
As much as you want to be writing blog posts which are user-friendly, remember that it is search engines that dictate where your posts are shown. Make sure that you are writing posts that are easy for search engines to scan and crawl. That means, short and sweet sentences, well-structured paragraphs, meta information where required and so much more. WordPress makes this really easy to identify. I always write my blog posts as they come into my head. I then spend time going through them with a fine tooth comb to make sure that they are optimised for the web.
Share on social media.
This may sound a little hypocritical of me because I don’t use social media for my blog. However, if you really want to push your blog, this is what you need to do. The amazing thing about social media is that it is such a visual tool. You can share your wonderful posts by uploading images and engaging with people. Plus, on social media outlets you have the use of hashtags and if you hit on the right one, it can bring hordes of people to your site. If I was really going to take some serious action to upping my traffic, this would be where I start.
Be part of the community.
I will say here that the blogging ‘community’ is much smaller than it used to be. However, there is still an amazing network of likeminded people out there. These are all people that want their site to do well and they encourage others also. You can find these groups on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I haven’t done this for some time, but when my site was new, it was a godsend. If you are wanting to delve into this, just be prepared to share and be an active part of the community. Comment on others peoples posts, share them and send encouraging messages. You get back what you send out.
Do a blog swap.
Back when I started blogging back in the day, there was so many people doing blog swaps. Even though they may be something that you see less of these days, they are still great for your site. Not only does it open your blog up to a new audience, it is great for backlinks. Backlinks are amazing for optimising your site and SEO. Just make sure that if you are going to do this, you have a conversation about their traffic and metrics. You don’t want it to be a one sided deal. You want to partner with somebody that has a similar reach to yourself.
I hope that you guys liked this blog post and it helped you out. Even though I said that it is not all about the numbers, it can be encouraging. I love to write for my little corner of the internet because it is my passion. Seeing regularly increasing numbers just helps me to realign my vision and realise that there is a good reason why I am going this.
When it comes to forwarding your blog and gaining more traffic, it really does come down to the time and effort. The more time you can spend on this, the bigger the rewards will be. I would love to hear from you guys about this. Please leave me a comment below. Let me know if you try to push for additional traffic, or do you just reap organic results and keep it as a passion project.