It is time for a new beauty review here on my blog and today I am going to chat with you guys all about a cult classic product and that is the Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara. I am sure that if you guys have been a makeup lover for as long as I have, this will be a product that you will already be incredibly familiar with.
This has been on the market for as long as I can remember really and for the last decade I have had one of these in my makeup collection and I have continuously used it on and off over the years. So, because I have been using this for so long and because it really has reached the dizzying heights of being a cult classic product, I thought that now would be a great time to sit down and share my thoughts!
What is the wand like?
Something that is super important when it comes to any mascara review is what the wand looks like. I feel like people are really make or break when it comes to a wand. I for one, am quite happy to use any kind of mascara wand, whether it be hard plastic bristles, or a fluffy and thick end. This Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara has a hard plastic wand which is slightly curved. I find that the wand is hard enough to comb through your natural lash hairs and separate them, but not too hard that if it catches your lash line that it is going to cause any kind of discomfort. While the curved wand allows you to hit every single lash on your eye. I also think that the whole thing has been designed perfectly, the wand is the perfect length.
Does it hold a curl?
When I am sat down first thing in a morning getting ready for work. I always curl my eyelashes and then I go in straight away with my mascara whilst they are lifted to the heavens. I find that my lashes curl really well. But they do need a top-notch product to lock that in place. Over the years, I have tried out so many mascaras from a whole range of brands and price ranges. One thing that I have noticed is that some products will initially lift the curl, but as the day goes on, they will slowly unfold. When it comes to the Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara, because of the curved wand and the amazing quality of the product. This not only helps to lift my lashes right from the root, but it holds it in place all day long. That makes it the most perfect mascara!
Does it flake through the day?
This is something that I don’t normally talk about in beauty reviews. That is because I thought that it was a little bit of a given that it wouldn’t flake through the day. However, after branching out over the past couple of years and trying out some higher-end mascaras, some do flake and make a mess down my face. I can confidently say that this Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara does not flake at all throughout the day. That is exactly what I want when I am heading out to work first thing in the morning. I do find that the older the tube of mascara, the dryer the product will get inside. Then there is a higher chance of flaking, but I always stick to the recommended lifespan of the product. So I never really have that much of an issue with it.
Does it transfer?
Again, this is something else that I was concerned about. That is whether or not it transfers throughout the day. I can remember when I first bought the Nars Climax mascara many years ago when it was first released. I applied it first thing in the morning, removed it during my evening skincare routine. The next morning when I woke up, I had mascara all around my eyes. Honestly, I looked like a mess that hadn’t had a wash in weeks. When it comes to the Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara, it is truly fantastic. It stays put all day long, doesn’t budge. Even on the evenings where I half-arse my makeup removal and I don’t take off all of my mascara, I don’t wake up the following morning like a panda bear. An overall winner in my book!
My allergic reaction.
I have been raving about this product for quite a while at this point, but I do feel like I need to share about a single bad experience that I had with this item. I can remember that I had ran out of this mascara, so I ran into Boots and picked up a new one after work one day. The following morning, I used the new mascara and thought nothing of it. Then, throughout the day while I was at work, I realised how itchy my eyes were. As an avid makeup wearer, who normally wears false eyelashes, I am accustomed to not rubbing my eyes or face throughout the day, but it was that bad I felt like I could tear my eyes out.
I am sure that you guys can already tell from reading this blog post. But this Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara is a product that I adore. That I am going to continue to use for many years to come. I know that I mentioned my allergic reaction there. Though I am 100% sure that it was down to this mascara, I disposed of the tube.
Replaced it with another and I have never had any issues since. I love that this mascara applies really easily. Sits perfectly and holds up well to tears. Plus, I don’t wake up the following morning looking like a panda bear. I would highly recommend this to you guys. Please do leave me a comment below. Let me know if you have tried this or if you would like to give this a whirl!