Today I am going to share the opinions on my pregnancy. These are some of the stand out things that people have said to me since announcing the news. These things were said as advice. They were simply statements and opinions that people decided to share with me. Naturally, many of them made such an impact that I decided to make a note of them on my phone. Only the other day when I was adding a new one, I decided it was time to share. I take these things with a pinch of salt, I just figured that you may too find them entertaining.



That I’m doing too much.

I am the kind of person that always likes to be busy. If I am not rushed off my feet at work, I like to always be doing things at home. I just figure that there is always something to be done, so instead of sitting down, I would rather be ticking things off my list. Granted, to some people it may look like I’m doing a lot, but it is no more than I normally do. I have always done this much and it is what makes me feel good.


That I’m working too hard.

As you may know, I do a couple of different things for work. I work full-time in marketing, I run this site and I have partnerships with a couple different companies. While I can, I am going to work hard. But the thing that people don’t know is that I adore my job. Working hard makes me happy. Plus, we can call a spade a spade, my job isn’t physical. I sit on my ass all day in front of a laptop. The opinions on my pregnancy really don’t make sense!


That I’m too laid back about motherhood.

People thinking that I am too laid back will always be a compliment to me. Especially considering that generally I am crippled with anxiety ad always on edge. But I am calm when it comes to this pregnancy. At the end of the day, I am trying to accept that I can control what I can control, and I need to relax about the things that I cannot. I really am trying to take motherhood in my stride and I will always do my best by this baby. For me, I am keeping my blood pressure low and trying to remain calm to ensure that I have a healthy pregnancy.


That I don’t understand how much my life is going to change.

People really do have the audacity to try and tell me that I don’t get how much my life is going to change. Please do remember, that I was deemed infertile, and we never thought this would happen. With ever negative test that I took, we literally sat and spoke about parenthood. Of course, I know that is involved and how my life is going to change. Plus, all of my closest friends and family have families of their own. I have seen first hand how much things change. Don’t insult my intelligence.


That my bump is far too small so something may be wrong.

In the year before I got pregnant, I lost hell of a lot of weight. Alongside that, I got very good at managing a healthy routine by both diet and exercise. During my pregnancy, I have put on very little weight and my bump is rather small. My doctors are happy with how the baby is measuring, but people still feel the need to comment. So many people think I’m not giving the baby enough nutrients to grow larger. And they are literally so bold that they are telling me this! What a mad world we live in!


As always, I hope you guys enjoyed reading these opinions on my pregnancy. It has been a funny old journey and as I shared the other week, people really aren’t worried about sharing their views with a pregnant person. I think as I get closer to giving birth, the nuggets of wisdom will only increase. Naturally, I will make a note of all of the standout comments and share them with you at a later date. If you can remember anything from your pregnancy that knocked you sideways please do leave it in the comments below and give us all a chuckle!


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