A couple of months ago, I started CBT to try and help with the symptoms of my OCD and anxiety. I am halfway through my treatment and I am still unsure if it is the right therapy for me. However, one thing that I have noticed is that I have an awakening at so many sessions. At a session at the end of 2022, I realised that my priorities were wrongly aligned to what I wanted in life.

I was focusing on things that didn’t make me happy, not that I saw in my future plans. So with that revelation, I was set some homework to begin reprioritising my life. To focus on what I want from life and ensure that my time and efforts are firmly fixed on those. That is what I am going to share with you today…



Work to take a backseat.

I love my job, I have never made any secret of that. My career is something that I am incredibly proud of. Not to mention that there is so much challenge and excitement in the marketing field. However, I have definitely put my professional career ahead of so much. Whether that is downtime, seeing friends or family, my mental health and so much more. I want to continue to grow in my career and reach new heights. But this had made me take a look at it and work out, at what cost.


Prioritising down time.

It is fucking hard for me to relax. Hence the reason why I work full time, blog, have a freelance job and then everything else away from my career. However, one of the big things that I am doing in reprioritising my life is creating time to do nothing. That means no laptop, no nothing. Just laying, contemplating and decompressing. Every now and then I may treat myself to a walk or a good book during this down time. Realistically, this is a technology free time where I get away from work of any aspect.


Putting my health at the forefront.

Because I can get so busy doing everything else that I love, I can often put my health on the back burner. Whether it is simple things like skipping my supplements. Bigger things like not nourishing my body properly with good foods. There are so many years that I don’t look after myself and that is going to change. As somebody that is quickly approaching 30, I recognise that I want to be here for another 60 years. That will only happen by looking after myself and making myself the fittest and healthiest that I can be.


Wanting to make more memories.

With my mental health, I recharge at home. I am the kind of person that likes to spend an extended amount of time in my beautiful home. That is what fills my cup. For me, if I have a weekend where I am out Friday, Saturday and Sunday it is a bad weekend. However, I do want to focus on doing things that build core memories. It was a few years ago, I sat and thought about what I had done that was fun that year. I couldn’t think of doing anything other than sitting on my sofa and watching countless boxsets. Don’t get me wrong, that is what I love, but I wished that I had done more. Made memories with the people that I love.


As always, I hope that you guys enjoyed this post about how I am reprioritising my life. They are simple things, but the things that I need to focus on. Instead of thinking about killing it at work to earn lots of money. Other things have taken precedence. My health, mindset, family and so much more. For some reason, it took sitting with a stranger in a room to get to this point where I recognised that I needed to change something.

I had everything out of order and now my efforts seem much more aligned with what I want out of life. As always, I want to hear from you guys on this. Are your time and efforts aligned with what you want to get out of life?


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