Today I am going to sit down and talk to you guys about how I stay motived with my blog. I have been doing this for a long time, and I have gone through the peaks and troughs. There have been many times when I have wanted to throw in the towel. One time I actually deleted my blog all together.

I quickly realised that blogging and having my own space was very important to me. I am not going to lie; I do still have wobbles these days. However, for the most part, I am energetic and motivated when it comes to my blog. Today, I am going to share some of the ways that I do stay motived. These things help to pick me back up and put me back it he right frame of mind and how I stay motivated with my blog.



Take Inspiration from Others

One of the ways regarding how I stay motivated is to take inspiration from others. I have great relationships with so many bloggers out there and I always love seeing what they are doing. Normally, if I am struggling to write and I don’t think that anything looks good, I look at what they are doing. In no way do I plagiarise their work, I just take inspiration from them. I believe that we must all do this from time to time. The fashion and beauty blogging space is incredibly vast. There are always hoards of people out there to seek help from and allow them to guide your way through difficult periods. Normally, when I see what other people are doing, I want to up my game and get to the same level as them. My peers are wonderful motivators.


Look at What I Have Come From

Every now and again, I hit a brick wall with blogging. Even though I without a doubt do get benefits from my blog, it can be hard. I give up my evenings to write content. Spend days at a time being social and commenting on other people’s blogs, attempting to engage. Photography sessions can take me days at a time. Sometimes, I just sit and wonder why I do it to myself. When I could just be like anyone else, work full time, but then my time away from the office is my own. However, how I stay motivated with my blog during spells like this is to sit back and think about where I have come. When I first started my blog, I wrote it up on a crap windows tablet, took pictures on my iPod touch and was on the free Blogger template.


Have A Clear Plan Where I Want to Be?

Even though my blog is a passion project, I do have goals and aspirations about where I want to be. For me, I have certain stats that I want to hit. These aren’t necessarily monetary figures; they are more centred around page views and bounce rates. The actual metric is irrelevant, the key thing for me is having something to strive. I like to know in my mind that I am trying to create something big. It gives me ambition and a real kick up the ass to think about the long-term goal and why I am doing this. At times it can seem like you are breaking your back for your blog, but seeing the figures increase and getting closer to my goals, really helps. Set yourself some goals and I think that it can help so much!


Ensure I Am Not Deviating from What I Love

There have been many times through my years of blogging, that I have deviated away from what I love. I have done this because I thought it was what other people wanted to read. The thing was, even though I could write about it, I didn’t love it. To be successful with blogging and to keep your motivation, you need to love the topic. I could write forever and a day about my past experiences, beauty, fashion, etc. That is because I love them things and it works well for me. Writing about your passions really is the key to being successful with blogging. If not, your readers will be able to tell, and they will go somewhere else. Just be true to what you love and the rest will come naturally.


Speak to Others If I Am Having A Wobble

Back in 2017, after losing my grandad, I was stressed. I had a wobble, a major wobble. I was thrust into caring for my nan, grieving for my grandad and my workload was going out of control. To regain a little control of my life, I deleted my blog. What I should have done at the time is talk it out before making an immediate decision. Now, when I am going through a period where I am unsure about my direction, etc. I will speak to my husband about it. Normally it is on a Friday night, over a glass of wine, I talk about my stresses. He keeps me motived, reminds me why I do it and tells me of the time that I deleted it. Just having that sounding board really helps me and it is one way how I stay motivated with my blog.


Take Time.

Something that is super important is to take some time away from your blog. If I go through all of the things above and they don’t help, I close the lid on my laptop and take some time. This can be so helpful, and it clears my mind completely. Normally, I give myself two full weeks off and I don’t do anything blog-related. That means that I don’t reply to blog comments, write new posts or anything in between. When I do this, it allows me to remind myself why I do this. I write and manage my blog because I love it. When I have that distance from my space online, I miss it and I want to get straight back into it. Honestly, it energises me and gives me another burst of energy to get stuck in once again.


I hope that if you are like me, this post helps. Honestly, as I mentioned, I really have gone through the motions. This is how I stay motivated with my blog and I find that it really does help me. I really do think that all of these things together can help, however,r if the love is not there, take a break. I feel like this is the same for anything in life but taking time and creating distance really does help.

As always, I would love to hear from you guys. Please do leave me a comment, let me know if you are a blogger and if you have ever had a wobble. More importantly, I want to know how you pulled yourself out of your funk. I think we all need help with that from time to time!


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