If you have visited my site before, you may know that I have been in this game for a very long time. I made my first site over 10 years ago and I set it up with the sole intention of reviewing beauty items. I made a big mistake with a haul that I made on the US Sephora website, and I wanted to steer people in the right direction and stop them from making the same decision that I did. However, as my confidence grew with each post that I wrote, there was a snowball effect. My quickly gained momentum and became what it is today. Blogging is now a huge part of my life and something that I still adore. In todays post, I am going to share with you why I need blogging in my life and why I have always come back.
It gives me a creative outlet.
If you are a creative person, you will know what I mean by this. Being somebody with a creative bone in my body, I need to flex it. I need to put my creativity to use, or I feel like I have a scratch that I can’t itch. This site, this little corner of the internet gives me a platform to do what I want, and I couldn’t be happier. Without this, I would have probably gone crazy a few years ago with countless ideas bubbling away!
It allows me the opportunity to speak to others.
When I first got into blogging, hell of a long time ago, community was one of the biggest pulls to create a site. There was an amazing network of people out there that would support each other endlessly, try to promote one another sites and speak to each other. That is something that has certainly decreased over the years, but during my tenure running my site, I have been fortunate enough to forge amazing relationships with some lifelong friends. I personally will never stop putting myself out there are and trying to develop those relationships with people.
It helps me advance my skills.
Even away from my blog, my job is marketing. As a Marketing Director, I need to know everything under the realms of marketing, including the digital side. I would very confidently say that nothing has helped me advance my knowledge in this sector, more than my site. Not any courses, further education, independent learning, etc. Putting myself to work to create this site has forced me to develop those skills and I am not angry about that in the slightest.
It gives me a voice.
You will know that there have been so many different things over the years that I have used my platform for. Whether it is talking about life after sexual assault after the tragic death of Sarah Everard. Or speaking up about mental health and my ongoing struggles. Without generating this platform, I wouldn’t have an opportunity to speak about those things in a public forum. Even though my audience doesn’t span to millions of people, I am grateful that I can reach just a handful of people with topics that I hold close to my heart.
Allows me to dip my toe into different worlds.
I am the kind of person with countless passions, as you can probably see from my site. Having this little corner of the internet allows me to feel closer to those sectors, even though my everyday reality at home is very different. For example, when I am writing a post about Jimmy Choo heels, but really, I work in an industrial estate in Yorkshire, my site provides me with a little escapism. I can pretend that the luxe side of life is my reality through what my site has created for me.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post and getting to understand my blogging journey a little more. As somebody that is inching closer to 30, it is very strange to look back and realise that I have been running a blog in one form or another for almost half my life. There is so much that I have learnt from having my own corner of the internet and I thank my lucky stars every single day that I took the plunge and decided to make my first (and very embarrassing) site.
As always, I would love to hear from you guys in the comments below. Why do you need blogging in your life? Can you resonate with anything that I have mentioned?