It is time for a new beauty review here on my little corner of the internet and today I am going to be speaking to you guys all about the Pat McGrath Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer. Quite the mouthful and I am dreading having to type the name multiple times throughout this post. So, if you see funny abbreviations, you know why.
This has been a concealer that I have had in my collection for some time, and it was only the other day that I realised I have never shared my full thoughts on this item. So here we go…
Why I wanted this item.
A while ago I shared that for some reason, I really slept on the Pat McGrath brand. Even though I had heard about and respected Pat McGrath as a makeup and an entrepreneur, I just never really felt the pull to try some of her items. However, with that said, as the beauty community grew on TikTok, I was suddenly seeing much more use of the Pat McGrath items. Low and behold, I had a list as long as my arm of the items that I wanted to get my hands on and put through the ringer for myself.
The packaging.
I know that to some of you the packaging of a product doesn’t make a difference. And trust me, I do appreciate the sentiment. However, I like it when my products reflect the price. For me, this is an expensive concealer at £30 per item, so I want the tube to reflect the higher price tag. With that said, I am happy to say that I have no complaints when it comes to the packaging of the Pat McGrath Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer. It is sleek, weighty and really suits the brand. In my book that is a clear win.
The shade range.
As this is a Pat McGrath product, you shouldn’t be surprised to learn that the shade range is extensive. I generally find concealer pretty to buy because I will always opt for one of the lightest shades for highlighting. However, with the vast range and the number of undertones, even I found it rather complex. However, that is a positive issue to have. It is always better to have to browse through pages of the internet to find the right shade rather than be faced with just a few token shades of beige. But I truly didn’t expect anything less.
The coverage.
When I think about all of the concealers that I own, I would say that this Pat McGrath Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer is a true medium coverage. For the most part, this is more than enough coverage for me on a day-to-day basis. However, I do have the odd moment where I like to pack on a little bit more, especially if I am having a day where my dark circles are a little more pronounced than I would want them to be. But with a touch more concealer in strategic places, I can get a seamless full coverage look that hides everything that I need hiding.
The consistency.
To be, this is a beautiful lightweight cream texture. When I think about this in comparison to the Huda Beauty Faux Filter Concealer, it is slightly thicker. However, if I think about it in comparison to the Tarte Shape Tape, it is a much more lightweight formula. Whenever I apply this Pat McGrath Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer underneath my eyes, it applies incredibly smoothly and then when I take my Beauty Blender and buff it out, it does so incredibly seamlessly. I have never felt like this is a product that takes a huge effort to blend out and when I have finished with it, it looks fantastic.
How it sits on the skin.
After owning this item for hell of a long time, I can safely say that I have put it through the ringer. I have worn it with just about every other makeup item that I own, in different temperatures and within different environments. No matter what I have thrown at this Pat McGrath Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer, it performs flawlessly. Not that I expected anything else, but there have certainly been times when I have opted for other concealers and through the day I have found it becoming crepey, dry and in some places even breaking up. That does not happen with this. This leaves my under eyes looking smooth, seamless and hydrated.
Would I recommend it?
I can very confidently say that I would recommend this Pat McGrath Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer. It takes a lot these days for me to actually recommend an item because there are many items on the market. Especially that are directly comparable. I would say that this item has enough about it that it can confidently hold its own next to some of the other amazing items that I have raved about here on my site before. For me, it is the level of airbrushing that this does, particularly to my under eyes that makes me love it so much.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and learning more about the Pat McGrath Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer. This was a welcome addition to my makeup collection all of those years ago and I know that I will continue to purchase it and use it for a very long time. I adore how smooth and perfected this makes my skin look and I really do think that it has something that sets it apart from the other items in my collection.
I will add a link to this product below should you wish to go ahead and check it out for yourself. Be sure to leave me a comment. Let me know if you have tried the Pat McGrath Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer and what you thought.