I am a lover of a good old evening pamper routine and that is what I am planning on doing this evening. It has been a bloody long time since I just dedicated some time to looking after myself and both my body and my mind feel like I am about ready to spend some time focusing on nothing other than myself.

I don’t really feel like this very often, because most of the time I am running around after somebody else and that is what I love to do, but every now and again I just run out of steam and I know that it is time for me to take a step back and initiate my good old pamper routine and I thought that I would share some of the steps with you today in this blog post!



Have a big bubble bath with wine.

You better believe that I will run a bath so full that it almost overflows when I step inside, and I have a glass of wine with me that is full up to the brim. Scrap that, I normally have the rest of the bottle next to me on the floor. I have a little caddy across the bath that I can rest my glass on, and I normally have my iPad on there playing my favourite TV shows which for the past couple months has been Schitts Creek on repeat.


Eat all of the food.

I am so good with the food that I eat usually, so once in a while I have to let the clean eating slip. This for me means gorging on either Chinese or Indian food, naturally a takeaway because I am not cooking on my pamper day. Then in the evening it is eating more chocolate than one human should ever eat because it is an obscene amount but completely necessary when I am pampering myself for the day. Lindt will always be my weakness; my husband normally has to hide it from me. This is an essential step in an evening pamper routine!


Watch my favourite movies.

There are about 10 films on my Apple TV that I could watch on repeat and never get bored of them, but the film that I keep going back to at the moment is Moana. I know that I am probably 20 years too old to watch Moana even half as much as I do, but you cannot deny that the songs are super sassy and she has bomb hair. I just love it, wish it came out when I was more age appropriate, but I obviously don’t care that much!


Cuddle up with the dog.

My dog knows the drill when it is a pamper day and she is the worlds best companion. She always chooses to sit right in between my legs on the sofa, normally half on top of me and she gives the best cuddles. She weighs around 35kg and she still thinks that she is a lap dog, but I don’t think that anything else can do quite as good for your mental wellbeing as cuddling up to a Golden Retriever for a couple of hours!


Face pack and manicure.

These are things that I used to do on a weekly basis, but now I am playing taxi driver or doing up the house on a weekend, so I have to dedicate special days to doing these things now. My luxurious face mask of choice will always be my La Mer sheet mask because the quality is amazing, and it makes me feel like a queen after using it. I will then give myself a manicure with my Après Gel Kit to give myself a little length and make my hands look more elegant than they actually are!


Have a lovely early night.

The crowning glory to any pamper day has to be getting in a good early night. Normally in an evening, I am so busy writing blog posts, doing actual work or scrolling aimlessly through TikTok or Instagram. When I am having a pamper day, I will take myself off to bed nice and early, light some candles, read my book for a bit and drift off to sleep in no time at all and I always wake up in the morning feeling like a million bucks!


After doing all of these things, I feel much more refreshed and it is normally around 6 months before I feel like I have to do these things again. This is my super amazing evening pamper routine. I know that some of these things are just super simple and most people would probably do this on a weekly basis, but I do a lot of running around after other people and this is just a little bit of me time that I can dedicate to myself once in a blue moon, but it means so much when I finally do. Make sure to leave me a comment down below and let me know some of the things that you do on a good old pamper day!


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