A while ago, I shared with you guys that I had entered my reading era. I feel like that may have been putting it mildly. The truth is, this year alone I have read hundreds of books and due to that, I have nailed down some of my favourite authors.
Before I jump into this post, I just want to remind people that reading is subjective. What I love, I know will be the nightmare of somebody else. However, as I am sure you can see from the novels that I love and the authors that are my favourites, I like a certain genre and there is nothing wrong with that.
Elle Kennedy.
After getting the reading bug, I kept seeing the name Elle Kennedy. I knew that she had a college hockey series and after reading a few similar books like Ice Breaker, I knew I had to try them out. My only doubt before getting started was that I wouldn’t relate to ‘college kids’ that were in their early twenties. Don’t get me wrong, I love a happy ever after as much as the next girl, but I’m also familiar with the real world that when you’re 19 and in college that your current romance isn’t going to be for the long haul. However, I allowed myself to get lost in her many novels and I don’t regret them for a second.
Elsie Silver.
One day when I was waltzing around Waterstones, I saw Flawless by Elsie Silver sitting there on the shelf. Being the kind of person that adored country music and that entire vibe, I thought why not give it a whirl. I had never heard about the series or the author before. I think within a chapter or two and I was hooked. Shortly after I went on holiday and began reading her entire back catalogue of novels. Nowadays when I am asked who my favourite authors are or what romance novels people can get started with, this is always my starting point.
Lyla Sage.
I found out about Lyla Sage via TikTok. I am not afraid to say that many of my book recommendations this year have come from TikTok and when I find a gem like this, I am bloody glad about it too. After finishing the Chestnut Springs series by Elsie Silver, I had a hole in my life. However, Lyla Sage came along and quickly filled that emptiness. I think one of the main reasons why Lyla Sage has become one of my favourite authors is because she created a MMC that I actually thought about long after I read the book and that doesn’t happen often with the vast volume of books that I tear through!
Liz Tomforde.
I first began the Windy City series on a complete whim. If anything, I may have seen somebody on TikTok suggest them and on that one review I decided to download the first novel. I was hooked. Now don’t get me wrong, I know that some people aren’t so keen, but what I love is how all of the different novel’s link together. By the end of the series, you feel so connected to all of the different characters and you get to keep in touch with them and see them develop. Not to mention, the way that she describes spice scenes and MMC’s is absolutely incredible.
Ali Hazelwood.
I am not going to lie, the first time I tried to read a Ali Hazelwood novel, I was lost. She mixes my favourite romance genre with science and as much as I wanted to enjoy it, I felt slightly too lost. However, I quickly realised that I didn’t need to understand the specifics of the characters, their education or their career, to enjoy the words that I was reading. Each novel that she has released, I fell in love with. Oh, and don’t get me started on the novel Bride. Holy shit… I will just leave that there!
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and learning more about some of my favourite authors. I know that whenever a new release comes out by one of these guys that I am going to sit down and soak up every single word. I love that they give me the level of escapism that I want when I am reading and for that I will always shout about them and support them.
Be sure to leave me a comment below and let me know who some of your favourite authors are and I will be sure to check them out for myself.