It isn’t very often that a new handbag is released, and I purchase it on a whim. If you have seen my collection over the years, you will know that it is a carefully curated group of products, and I don’t go into spendy purchases quickly.
Usually, I will add a product that I love onto my ‘wish list’, where it will sit for a minimum of three months to ensure that I don’t have any buyer’s remorse with hastily purchased items. With that said, this Chanel Shearling handbag, that process was thrown out of the window. I saw it in Bond Street at 4pm and by 5pm I was the proud owner and, on the train, back home…
When I first saw this item.
I first saw this handbag on the arm of a New York TikToker that I watch daily to get their style tips. This bag was just thrown over their arm all effortlessly and it caught my eye within an instant. Usually, I am a fan of seasonal Chanel items, but there is never that much of a draw that I actually go ahead and buy a piece. After seeing this I tried to put it to the back of my mind, but then on a whim, I was browsing around Chanel on Bond Street, and it was there. This truly was a love at first sight kind of item.
The appearance of this bag.
For a while now, I have been toying with the idea of picking up a Classic Flap Bag in a beautiful caramel colour. But more importantly than that, I wanted it to be a leather other than caviar like the rest of my collection, potentially a lamb skin. With that said, the moment I saw this item, I was head over heels. It ticked that box for wanted a tan/caramel colour handbag, but also brought something so different with the shearling. And I’m not even bothered that the Borg/shearling makes this a rather seasonal item, because I will wear it half to death during those months.
How I’ve been wearing this bag.
I’m not going to lie; my winter style is weak. I am a girl that will always go for comfort and warmth over my looks. You can usually catch me in a good quality pair of leggings or jeans with a simple cashmere cardigan thrown over the top and a pair of Uggs adorning my feet. Adding a beautiful little item like this to my ever so simple looks helps to elevate my style to the levels that I wish I could serve when the temperature drops. I can’t even begin to tell you how many compliments this handbag has garnered for me over the past few weeks.
The space inside.
This Chanel bag is equivalent to a large in their standard Classic Flap sizing. Because of that, there is a tonne of room inside. I have been using this for just about everything recently and I have never struggled for space. I do also love that this is only a single flap because I find that it allows for more manoeuvrability with the bag meaning that I can ever so slightly overfill the bag without it looking like the sides were going to give way.
The practicality.
I’m not going to lie; I was a little nervous when I first bought this because I wasn’t sure just how durable the shearling on the item would be. I didn’t want it to get marked, stained or get any colour transfer from my other clothing. However, I really didn’t need to worry thanks to good old Scotchguard. When I first got this home, I went over all of the shearling areas and now it is fully protected, just as it has done to my other fabric items over the years.
Do I think this has been a good purchase?
As I am sure you guys can already tell from the sheer amount of gushing in this post, I am absolutely besotted with this item. You may know from the key pieces in the rest of my collection that I always stick to the tried-and-true classics, but sometimes adding an item like this just helps to spice things up. I really feel like my winter wardrobe needed that extra injection of something special. Of course, a shearling Chanel handbag has brought the magic just like I intended it to.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and learning more about my new Chanel item. I have loved owning this item and over the past few wintry months it has been the perfect addition to my rather basic outfits. Plus, it’s bloody Chanel so of course it is beautiful, practical and constructed to the highest of qualities.
I am sure that this won’t be the only impulsive purchase that I make in this New Year, so I will be sure to update you guys as I fall over and land onto my credit card. If at all possible, I will link to this item below. Be sure to leave me a comment and let me know what you think about my new purchase.
Cute bag! x
Danielle’s Beauty Blog
Such a gorgeous bag. xx
I love the look of the shearling bag, and it’s good to hear that there is plenty of space. The bag does seem like the perfect accessory for winter!