Today I am going to write a blog post all about how to write a great blog post. I am sure that most people who are reading this blog post are in fact bloggers. I have been doing this for near on a decade and it has turned into my full-time job.
I am a marketing director at a healthcare company, I blog on this site, and I am a freelance writer for Vogue. Over the years I have learnt so much. So much about what I should do and what I shouldn’t do. In this blog post I am going to be sharing with you my top tips all about how to write a great blog post.
Choose the right topic.
I want to start out this blog post by something that I believe is very important. For me, that is finding a suitable topic. I am a very passionate thing about many things, politics being one of them. Every now and again, I will see something that gets me going and I want to sit down and do nothing more than fire off a blog post. I want to get my thoughts on paper and share everything that is in my head. However, that is not a topic that I want to share here on my blog. I do believe that there is a place for it, that is just not here. I know what the topics are that are safe for me to upload here on my blog.
Do your research.
Before putting anything out into the big wide world on the internet, I always make sure to do my research. The truth is, once you publish something, there is no going back. Granted, this may not always be so important, but if you are talking about something topical, ensure that you have your story straight. For example, earlier in the year, there was a whole feminist movement following the horrendous murder of Sarah Everard. I knew that I wanted to write a post. But I also wanted to ensure that what I was putting my name to was not only factually correct, but fair.
Be passionate about your subject.
You will only be able to write freely when you have some passion for the subject. In the early days, I only wrote about makeup, but then my passions changed. My blog began to integrate more fashion as time went on. I realised that if my blog was solely makeup-focused, that my heart would no longer be in it. I didn’t think about whether my blog views would decrease or not, it is about what I had a passion for. That has worked for me so far anyway. This is what I intent to do for the entire duration of my blog!
Create a clear outline and your main points.
For all of the blog posts that I have in my planner, I have a brief outline of the post. I mention all of the key elements that I want to talk about. That goes all of the way through from the intro to the main talking points, etc. That way, when I am writing the blog post, I can refer back. It helps me to stay on track. Sometimes when I am writing about a topic that I really love, I can ramble on and on. This planner really helps to keep me on track and my posts with some kind of order to them.
Enrich the post for SEO.
You guys should know this by now, but I am a sucker for SEO. I have done posts all about what SEO and why it is so important. Whenever I write a blog post, I write everything just as it comes into my mind, so that it has a natural flow. Then, following first review, I will look at it from a SEO point of view. Here, I will make all changes required to optimise the text for the internet.
Share and optimise the post where possible.
Once the post is live, the work is not over. From there you need to ensure that you are checking over the content. This is something that I personally have scheduled in and I carry out this work a few times a year. I go back through all of my old posts. I make sure that they are relevant. If I need to make any changes to the content, I will do it at this stage. Also, once the blog post is live, I will share it at every single opportunity. By sharing your blog post, you are getting increased impressions and that is how you engage with new readers.
I hope that you guys liked this blog post and that it helped you out. It really can be a minefield if you are just getting started. I can remember when I started, some of my early posts are laughable. For a long time, I left them live on my blog, because I thought they were part of the history.
However, when I started working with Vogue, I was scared that if they saw the early stuff, they would run a mile. Just remember that we are all new to this at some point. Even though I know all of the main points about structuring my blogs, sometimes I just want content that flows organically.