Today it is time for a new blog post, and this is all about how to improve your blog. I am sure that many people out there are much like myself. We want to continue to improve our blogs, but we can’t break our backs doing it. As much as I want to see my blog continue to reach new heights, I work full time.
My time really is limited, and I can’t spend as much time on my blog as I would ideally like to. For that reason, I like to set out little things that I can do. When I tick things slowly but surely from my list, I know that I am getting somewhere. I know that I am slowly improving things, even if I can’t dedicate all of my time to it.
Ensure that you are optimised for SEO.
I know that whenever I write a blogging post, I always talk about SEO. To somebody not into blogging or marketing, SEO can seem like an incredibly daunting subject. It really is the key driver to help get organic traffic to your website. If you want your site to appear on the search engines of websites, you have to look into SEO. This can encompass so much. From how the post is structed, to phrases used, links used, etc. The list really is endless. I have a full post about optimising for SEO, so please do refer back if you want to do a full audit.
Be passionate about what you are writing about.
A key thing for blogging is to ensure that your written work is good quality. The only real way that you can achieve this is by having passion for the subject. For example, if I was writing about classical music, the passion would not be there. However, if it was country music that I was scribing, I could write forever and a day. Having passion really is key. Your reader will then understand and see that for themselves. When they experience the passion, they will come back time and time again.
Check to see if what you are writing about is wanted.
As much as I am a huge advocate for writing about passions. I also think you should be smart and check to see if people are looking for what you are writing about. This particularly comes into the mix if you are wanting to grow and improve. If you want to write a blog post about country music for example, but there is only 20 people in the UK that search for that, it is going to fall on deaf ears. If you want to be engaging and get those organic clicks, you need to write about what people are looking for. Google trends is great for helping with this!
Make your blog easy to read and appealing.
One thing that I have really worked on over the past couple of years is the readability of the site. There have been so many sites over the years that I have visited that are hard to navigate. That might be that there is far too much text on the screen. It may not have an easy-to-see flow. There is so much that can throw out the readability. For me. I like to have clear and easy-to-read text. There should be clear headers that are easy to see and understand. Good amount of spacing to give your eyes a break. The list really does go on. Just step back, look at your site and think about new people clicking on for the first time.
Create structure and schedule.
Something that without a doubt has helped with how to improve your blog over the years is having a structure. It is one of the big things with SEO, but consistency is key. Not only does it help your audience know when you are going to be around. It also helps you find a rhythm with how blogging can fit into your life. It certainly isn’t always easy to find time to write a post but having a set time each day does help. I follow quite a strict structure and it has worked for me for the best part of a decade now!
I hope that you guys liked this blog post. These tips on how to improve your blog really can make a world of difference. Honestly, I am the first to understand the time restraints on blogging. Not to mention trying to have a life and hold down a full-time job. As I mentioned, every now and then, I make myself a little improvement list. I do it in bite-sized chunks and only do them when I feel like I can.
With this blog I never force things, I let it come organically. If I am short on time, things get pushed back and that is just how it needs to be. As always, I would love to hear from you guys. Let me know how you like to improve your blog and the steps that you take.