Today, I want to sit down and share with you a brief and positive post about motherhood and having a baby. Back when I was pregnant, all anybody would say to me was that life as I knew it was over.

I think some people say things like this to try and prepare you for the worst. However, I truly believe that people just like to project from their own experience, and I am a firm believer that it is all about your mindset and how you choose to go into motherhood.



He has calmed my anxiety.

I run at a million miles per hour and during my pregnancy, I was worried about how that may correlate with motherhood. I was scared that would think of every worst-case scenario regarding our son and that it would feed my OCD. From the moment he was born, he was my only priority and thought. Everything else that would usually wander through my mind was set aside. He took all of my mental capacity in the most positive way and it has helped me immeasurably.


It’s brought my closer to my husband.

Before having our baby, I was pretty nervous about what that might mean for our relationship. I saw that some people said that it turned them and their husbands into more roommates than partners. It couldn’t be more opposite for my husband. Now don’t get me wrong, we don’t split the baby tasks 50/50, mainly because he works long hours. But still, seeing my husband interact with our son does something to me that makes my love so much deeper for him and I can’t see that changing.


I’ve seen a different side of my dog.

I have shared many times here on my site that I have a wonderful 8-year-old golden retriever called Martha. She has been a very spoilt only child for a long time and to be honest, I was worried how she might be with our baby. After a hard introduction and then gradually working at it, she is a completely different dog. For some reason, it’s like our babies have given our dog some more purpose in her life. All of a sudden, she is his protection dog that is always laid 2ft away from him.


It brought clarity to my life.

For a long time, I have been unsure about the trajectory of my life and what is to come next. However, from the moment that I became a mother, I knew that it was my calling in life. I am loving every single moment (even in the hard times) and I know that career goals have been set to one side and all I want to focus on is being a good mother and caring for my children.


Brought me a slower pace of life.

I am the kind of person who is always wired and looking ahead to what I should and could be doing. Even though I love doing that and being a person with lots of ambitions, becoming a mother and caring for my son has shown me what really matters in life. It doesn’t matter if I don’t manage to write 1,000 pages of my novel as long as my son is fed, happy and clean. Things will happen when they happen and everything else really isn’t that deep.


Saw my real friends.

This may come across as negative, but I certainly don’t mean it in that way. But having a baby and your priorities changing so vastly shows you who is really there. This isn’t to bash those that may have stepped back for my life, instead it just shone a huge and positive light on the true people that I know I can rely on. I have a handful of fantastic people in my life and I feel grateful for them every single day.


Since the moment that my little guy joined us, I have been very honest about my experience. For me, this is the greatest period of my life. Don’t get me wrong, there have been some difficult weeks in the journey. He suffered from cholic, didn’t sleep for weeks on end, discovered his voice and cried for days. But throughout all that, I feel grateful that I’m his mom. I’m grateful that I’m the one that can being him comfort even if its just for a moment.

More people need to see the good. See the light in motherhood. And remember that this is just a small period in your life. One day, my son will not need me in this capacity, and I will wish for this time all over again.


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