I have shared many times here on my blog that I have been doing this for a long time. There have been times when I have thrown the towel in, but I always come back to blogging. The thing for me is that blogging is an outlet and I love to be creative. The older I get, the more I am beginning to realise that I cannot keep all of the plates spinning simultaneously.

However, I cannot see my site going anywhere for quite some time. Because of that, I thought that I would share with you guys some of my long-term blogging goals. These are the main things that I would love to achieve before handing up my writing gloves one day. I am sure that some of you talented bunch out there will have already achieved these, but these are for me.



Reach 10,000,000 blog views.

My ultimate blogging goal used to be to reach 1,000,000 views. I think that for anybody a million just sounds like such an astronomical figure. However, I smashed that last year. I would like to hit the 10,000,000 mark hopefully within the next 5 year. It is a very big figure, but one that I am sure I can achieve with some hard work. I may have to finally utilise social media if I am going to hit this crazy figure. I do try to not put too much stock in the metrics, but big round numbers like this are fantastic!


For my blog earnings to eclipse my personal earnings.

I am very fortunate in the fact that I own any money from my blog. I never thought of it as being a consistent revenue stream. With the money simply from my blog, via Google AdSense, affiliate links, partnerships, etc. I would like my blog earnings to eclipse my personal earnings. For a period a number of years ago, that did happen and then I got a big promotion at work. If I combine my blog earnings with what I earn as a freelance writer for Vogue, Harrods and the rest, it is more than my professional earnings. But this goal is simply for my blog.


Gain some more blogging friends.

This may seem pretty small in comparison to some of the other things. However, blogging for me has always been about community. Over the years I have made some amazing connections. However, I want to push myself and one of my long-term blogging goals is to actually develop friends. People that I can call on, work alongside and bounce ideas off. I have always found in different areas of my life that having friends with similar passions is incredibly supportive. Not only supportive but encouraging. I feel like that is really required at certain periods in a blogging journey.


For my blog to become a separate entity.

The last goal that I want to achieve is for my blog to have independence. Think along the lines of the Vogue, Harpers Bazaar and Net-A-Porter sites. I want to convert my blog from a standard blog into a lifestyle site. For example, the Vogue website naturally shares about fashion, but there is also lifestyle, beauty, travel and so much more. For this, I would love to develop a team of writers and for me to act as the editor of the site. I want it to become a hub of amazing articles that people visit to take a break and zone out for some time.


As always, I hoped that you guys enjoyed seeing some of my long-term blogging goals. I did mention above that blogging really is a part of who I am. I have been doing this for over a decade and if I ever have a period where I’m not writing, I really miss it. I think in another life I would have been an author or a journalist because the passion that I have for writing is like nothing else.

Plus, as long as I feel like my audience is enjoying what I create, I will continue to do so. As always, I would love to hear from you guys on thus subject. Do you write? If so, do you have any long-term blogging goals that you want to achieve? Please leave them in the comments below.


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