I hope that as you read this blog post, it gives you a chuckle. If you are a makeup lover like myself, you will have seen the soap brows trend online. If you are unfamiliar, soap brows are a way of making your brows look fuller and more voluminous.

It was a trend that I put off for an incredibly long time, but in the end I bit the bullet and gave it a try. Needless to say, I don’t think that it really worked for me. Honestly, the trend looks that bad on me, I can’t even bring myself to upload a picture. In this post I need all of your opinions. What the hell am I doing wrong?



Here is a little background on my brows. Naturally, they are quite wonky. I had bells palsy as a child and even after physio it is still pretty noticeable. Because of this, I try to correct my brows with makeup. I reckoned that the perfect thing would be if I could stick the brow hairs into place and then use a pencil to fill. There was so many brow inspo pictures saved to my phone and I knew exactly what I wanted. In the end, I thought that opting for the soap brows was the easiest thing to do. Queue me running to Boots to buy a bar of Pear soap to give it a whirl!

So, I sat at my makeup vanity. Bare skin. I sprayed some of my MAC Fix + onto the bar of Pears Soap and grabbed a new spooly. I felt like I had a good amount of product, but not too much. Then, I began to go in with the product through my brows. Within an instant, I looked like a crazy lady. My brows stood up the heavens. Pair that with my already wonky face and I felt like one brow was into my hairline and the other two-inch further down. I saw in disbelieve and just had to have a giggle with myself.

I then tried to trim them. They just seemed to be far too long. The same day, I brushed them up once again with the Pears soap. This time, I took my small nail scissors and trimmed them down to a much more normal length. Honestly, they did look better at this stage. The only issue is, when they were not held into place with the Pears soap in a natural position, they looked sparse and ridiculous. Again, I felt like I was back to square one and I didn’t know what to try next.

Then, I was looking online and saw Refy brow products. The products seem to be a step up from the soap. I spent my cash, got the products and it was the same issue. It just made my brows look far too big and not in a cool supermodel kind of look. As a child I lived near an old man that we called the owl because of his eyebrows and I looked just like him. I wanted it to work, but I just couldn’t get on board with the trend and I didn’t know what to try next.

Honestly, at this stage, I have tried everything that I think I can. I have tried brushing them up and to the side. No matter how much product I apply, they do always seem to fall. Plus, they seem to look quite greasy on the skin which is not what I want. The reason why I wanted to write this blog post is that I need help. Have you guys tried soap brows? If you did, can you see where I am going wrong?


pears soap

The Soap Brows Bar

Iconic or just wrong?

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