Relaxation is not something that I do half as often as I should and that is because I have OCD. My mind is constantly running at a million miles a minute and as soon as I sit down and try to take some time to myself, my head goes into overdrive and I am right back to where I began. I start to think about everything in my life, things that are happening imminently and everything that could happen in the future.

Thinking this way and having that inability to switch off can be very overwhelming and overstimulating. So there are times when I know that my mind is giving me the signals that it is time for me to take a step back, put some things into motion and start to relax.


The Things I Do To Relax


Turn My Phone Off

I very rarely go on my phone and I know that is probably quite rare for somebody my age. I can go all day in some instances without picking it up and looking through social channels, but that doesn’t stop people from contacting me. People know how to get in touch if it is urgent, but I love to turn my phone off and get a little distance from the millions of group messages that I am, the constant FaceTime calls with my sister and the shit Tik Toks that my best friend sends me!


Kick the Husband Out

I love my husband, oh my lord I really do love him so much and I know that is the sickliest thing that I have ever said, but when I want to have a relax and a pamper I kick him straight out of the house. He normally goes out to the football or he goes to his friends for the day. He knows that technically he doesn’t NEED to leave the house, but it is good for the both of us to have a little space and this is MY time to do the things that I want to do. He can sometimes relax with me, but if he is home I will either be watching football or cricket and neither of those things help my state of relaxation… much to his disappointment.


Eat the Food That I Want

Over the past couple of years, I have lost quite a bit of weight and I have done so by quitting the snacks and thinking about what I am putting in my body. When I am relaxing and having a pamper day, I just eat whatever the hell I want. My go-to snacks are normally steak flavour crisps, cookies and Galaxy chocolate. I usually only have days like this once in a blue moon, so when I am going for it, I really go for it and full-on pig out until I almost feel bad!


Watch the Shows That I Want

Living with another human being means that I have to compromise on a hell of a lot of things. That includes the things that I watch on TV. My darling husband is fully obsessed with football. So during the week and on a normal weekend, it is the only thing that is ever on our TV. When I get the TV to myself it is either going to be Schitts Creek, The Office or Parks and Recreation. They are always my go to TV shows, they just give me a warm glow these shows and that is why I watch them on repeat!


Take A Big Bubble Bath

I could lounge in the bath all day every day. The main reason why I don’t is because my bath is huge and it takes forever and a day to run. I just honestly cannot be bothered to clean it out afterwards. I normally light some candles and set my iPad up so that I can watch TV. On special occasions have a glass of wine or two. I love bubble bath salts, lotions and oils when it comes to my baths. If I am making the effort to actually have a bath, I am going to go the whole hog!


Order A Takeaway

I never eat takeaway food and that is because I just feel the size of a blue whale after stuffing my face. Having PCOS usually means that if I have something that is slightly more indulgent, I will bloat immediately and look very pregnant. My weakness when it come to naughty food is a good burger or an Indian, but normally it is a burger that I opt for. There is a place near me that does Five Guys style burgers and they are just divine. The kind of burger where you are going to get grease down your chin, but that doesn’t matter. They are fattening and delicious and bloody worth the calories and the extra 30 minutes that I will go on my Peloton the following day!


Face Mask, Manicure and Tan

One thing that I do like to do after stuffing my face is to give myself a little spruce up. For me, that is normally an Ole Hendriksen Face Mask. I will give myself a gel manicure using my favourite The Gel Bottle Inc products. Then I will go in with a decent layer of tanner. I always feel better when I have made a little effort with myself. Not to mention that I just feel like the queen that I should be after a pamper. This helps to counter all of the overindulging that I do with the greasy food that I consume!


Early Night

The last thing on the list is to have an early night. Throughout the week and most weekends, I am still working all night, whether it be for my full-time job or my blog. It is so amazing just to curl up in bed after a full day of pampering and get cosy in some good fresh sheets. Usually, I will get myself a cup of decaf tea, get into bed with the soft glow of my lamp and read the evening away. I will then pass out when my eyes begin to sting as I read my Kindle!


Over the last few years, I have learnt the importance of taking time away from my everyday tasks and making a conscious effort to relax myself. I know that I need to try and do these things before I reach burnout, but that will all come in time as I begin to recognise the cues in myself. The way I feel after taking a relaxing day for myself is simply staggering and I want to spread the importance of others out there taking some time for themselves.


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