I wish that in this blog post I could sit down and tell you that my everyday job is something super exciting. That I am the chief and editor at Vogue, but that could not be farther than the truth. I thought that today I would do something a little different and have an honest chat about what I do in my day job.

Also I want to talk about how my full-time career actually helps me with my blogging life. I know that this post will not appeal to everybody. But I quite like the idea of people getting to know the real me and my career.


What I Do In My Day Job


I jumped into work straight after completing my degree. I completed my degree when I was just 17 and my friends were still in college. My options were to complete another degree or hop into the world of working. One thing that I knew for certain was that I had enough of education. I wanted to put my mind to some use and earn some money. I applied for 7 clerical jobs on a Sunday evening. By the following afternoon I had 7 successful emails and that week I had the interviews. Within an instant, I was offered a job at the first interview that I went for. I accepted the job and I am still here 8 years later.


I started out in the service department. No idea what I was doing and the guidance which I received was minimal, but I was so excited to be earning my own money. I did simple things like answering the phone, scanning and shredding. I actually liked the simple clerical work, but the directors of the company very quickly realised that I had more to offer than my simple photocopying skills. From there, I had a meeting and the Managing Director of the company said that they wanted to move me around every department until I found a good fit. Following that I did a stint in the service, sales, customer service and finance departments before finally settling in the marketing department.


From that moment I stayed in the marketing department and I realised that it was something that I was passionate about, I loved to learn about and more importantly I was actually pretty good at it. Unfortunately for me, my history degree helped me in absolutely no way when it came to marketing, so I had a lot of educating to do. I would take online classes; attend course and I even went to a couple of night classes for specific areas of marketing. I achieved my accolade with just 6 months of studying.


After working in the marketing department for almost 7 years, the directors of the company and the board wanted to give me a new challenge. Everything is now on track and has picked up massively since I switched over to head up the Marketing team. I was then in a position where I had a team underneath me which I could trust and that gave me a chance to move onto the next challenge and take on some extra responsibility. My new role involved me not only managing the marketing team, but also taking on the sales team. I would have to analyse the figures and help assign targets. Not to mention pull them up when we were not achieving and make sure that the efforts were cohesive.


I have been working in my new role now for the best part of a year. To be honest, I have to admit that I really do love what I am doing at the minute. I think that the biggest thing for me is that I can see a noticeable difference from my efforts. I have a good handle on the marketing side and other than the off launch, I know the set tasks that I need to be doing. With the sales side, it has been new and it was very hard getting the respect of the workers. People do not tend to take too kindly to their manager being younger than them. I do feel like I am getting there and learning more every day.


I hope that this blog post was not too boring for most people. My day job is a very high stress job and there are always many moving parts. People and things that I need to be thinking about. I would say that at the moment I am probably working 12 hour days most of the time. But I also think that while I can sustain this in my life that I want to ‘hustle’. I will then have a lovely nest egg for the next stage in my life. Other than that, I just love what I am doing. I am a very analytical person and I even get joy pulling the reports and presenting to the board!


Make sure to leave me a comment down below and let me know what you do in your day job!


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