I cannot believe that it is boxing day already. Christmas day flashed by within the blink of an eye. It was by a country mile, the best Christmas that we have ever had. Our home was filled with so much love and it was the first time in a very long time that I have thoroughly enjoyed a Christmas break.
As you may know, this has been our first Christmas a parents and it completely flipped everything that we previously felt about Christmas on it’s head. For us, the main benefit of Christmas has always been getting to take time off work. However this year, it was all about making it exciting for our child that truly had no idea what was evening happening!
Today, we are just recouping as a family after a truly crazy day yesterday. We have loads of leftovers to eat, I think later on in the day we have some family and friends coming around. But today is all about relaxation. People know that if they are coming to our residence today, don’t expect much. My bottom is going to be glued to the sofa all day long and I don’t intend on moving. However, I am more than happy for other people to join us and make themselves at home.
I just wanted to hop on very quickly and wish you guys a truly wonderful Christmas time. I hope that regardless of your plans or those around you, you were able to make the best of the holiday season.