I have shared here on my site many times before about the trips that we have taken to Paris. For me, Paris has always seemed like such a whimsical place, and I am so happy that it is only a stone’s throw away from us here in the UK. I couldn’t even tell you how many times I have hoped on the Eurostar on a Friday after work and gone for a quick weekend away in Paris.
With that said, I wanted to hop on here today and share with you guys a post all about some of the things to know about the beautiful city of Paris and why I love it so much.
The districts are very different.
Just like anywhere in the world, the different areas of the city are incredibly different. I can remember the first time we went; we stayed quite a way out of the city, just to try and get the best deal. We stayed somewhere that I would probably describe as sketchy, and we would have known that if we did a little more research before jumping into the booking. But it was a lesson that we learnt and now we know for the future.
It can be incredibly busy.
I am sure you guys will understand this because it is the same with cities all around the world, but during certain periods it can be overwhelmingly busy. Because I nip there so often, I have seen periods at different times. Very quiet weekends in the middle of the winter when I have the Louvre to myself and then jampacked weekends when you are shoulder to shoulder with people around the Eiffel Tower. Just be conscious when you are visiting because for me it can be anxiety inducing when it is too busy.
The subway can be overwhelming.
I always appreciate an underground system wherever I go. There is no denying that it is an incredibly efficient way of getting around. However, I am not a fan. The odd time I have opted not to get a cab and I go for the underground; I find it incredibly overwhelming. I feel like it is easy enough, just overwhelming. But when I speak to my friends and other half, they are quick to tell me that it is very much a ‘me’ issue rather than the subway of Paris.
Shopping is on another level.
You guys should know by now that I am somewhat of a shopping addict. There is nothing more that I love than putting my glad rags on and hitting all of the ridiculously expensive designer stores for a day of shopping. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t always purchase, some days I simply want to visit the stores and browse what’s new. Shopping in Paris is on another level and out of all of the places that I have spent too much money, I am always incredibly happy to do so in Paris.
Make reservations.
If you want to go to the highly popular places in the city, you need to be prepared to make reservations or be declined entry. It is something that I had to learn along the way and nowadays it is one of the first things that I do if I know I am going to go on a visit across the channel. It isn’t a big deal; it is just something to remember that it is the norm for many places in the busy city.
You may not always be blessed with service.
I have found that service in Paris is rather hit and miss. You may go in somewhere and regardless of the venue, you will get the most out of this world level of service. You will be treated like royalty, and it will be spectacular. However, I have also been on the other end of the spectrum in Paris and received some of the worst service of my life. But service can be hit and miss anywhere in the world.
The nights out are crazy.
Many years ago, it was actually on my very first girls’ trip to Paris, we went clubbing. Now, I am not a huge fan of clubbing, but I was with the girls, and it was what the majority wanted to do. Let me say, it was without a doubt, the most intense and crazy night of my life. I have enjoyed a lot of nightlife in many different cities around the world, but none of them live up to Paris.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and learning more about the stunning city of Paris. It is a place that I adore, and I know I am going to continue to visit throughout the years. It is extraordinary for so many reasons including the fashion, shopping, food, art, architecture and so much more.
Be sure to leave me a comment below. Let me know if you guys have visited Paris and what were your thoughts on that hotspot in France? Or is it somewhere that you would like to visit?