I have shared here on my blog before that I am somewhat of a movie nerd. Since I was a very young girl, I have been in love with zoning out with a good film. When I was a little girl, every single week, my dad and I would go down to the cinema and watch a new release. We can’t quite go every single weekend anymore, but we at least go once a month.
For me, a movie is a form of escapism. Regardless of my OCD and how my mental health is freaking out, I can put on a movie and then sit back and relax. Because of that, I have a small collection of movies that are my feel-good films. Even if I have watched them hundreds of times, I am happy to watch them again. Here are my favourite movies!
Jurassic Park.
I always loved the Jurassic Park franchise, but when Chris Pratt came back in Jurassic World, I fell in love. The reason why I am talking about this first is because I have easily watched these films the most. If I want something on just as background music, I will always go with a dinosaur movie. Even though they are suspenseful movies, because I know them like the palm of my hand, I never think twice about watching them. I am 100% on the side of the dinosaurs!
Harry Potter.
I am a child of the nineties, so you knew that Harry Potter was going to be in this post. For me, I feel like I grew up with Harry Potter. I think the first book came out when I was around 6 years old and it was the first ‘grown up book’, that I really fell in love with. It fully started my obsession with reading. However, the movies quickly became my favourite. Even though the later movies do get pretty dark, they are movies that are like a comfort blanket to me.
The Dark Knight.
My dad is obsessed with Batman. This means that I too am obsessed with Batman. Then Batman Begins first came out, we literally went to the cinema wearing capes for the midnight showing. The trilogy of Dark Knight movies is simply cinema magic. As much as I loved the more recent Batman movie, nothing will ever take the crown from The Dark Knight. Usually in a trilogy, you have a least favourite, but with these films, they just improved and improved. I cannot even begin to count how many times I must have watched these over the years!
I couldn’t write this post without mentioning Marvel. For me, these are up there right with my love of Harry Potter. If I am ever in doubt, I will stick on a Marvel movie. Recently, I actually went right back to the beginning and started watching all of the movies in chronological order of when the movies were set. Very sad I know, but it is also incredibly satisfying. I think that my favourite Marvel movie has t be Thor Ragnarök. Mainly for Chris Hemsworth’s guns. A close second would be the original Guardians of the Galaxy because the soundtrack is phenomenal!
DC Universe.
I feel like most people will be in agreement that Marvel is winning the war, however, I do still love DC. I grew up on classic DC movies with my dad. Batman to me will always be my favourite. Especially the old and really rubbish Batman movies with George Clooney. Regardless of the criticism that it received, I am a big fan of Justice League and in particular Aquaman. However, I think that probably goes without saying. I do hope that they can make it as big as Marvel because there is scope for it. But they are a winner in my book and some of my favourite movies.
The Da Vinci Code.
The final movies that I am going to mention are the Da Vinci trilogy. I am a huge fan in general of the renaissance and that tie with my love of thrillers makes this a perfect combination. I even have a Da Vinci tattoo on my arm, so it is a given that I would adore these movies. Even though the truth is stretched quite drastically in these movies and some elements are fiction, I simply adore them. I must have seen Angels and Demons over 200 times!
Top Gun
I have made my love of Top Gun very clear here on my site before. I first watched this movie when I was probably 10 years old. Since that date, I have probably watched this over 100 times. It is my comfort film and whenever I am at a loss for what to watch, this is what I opt for. I adore the original and the new movie that came out in 2022. I think it is Miles Teller that makes me rewatch the new Maverick movie time and time again!
I hope that you guys enjoyed learning about my favourite movies. As I mentioned, I love to stick a movie on and then zone out. It allows me to sit back, relax and not think about anything else. That is not something that I can easily achieve with my OCD. I also think that my OCD and anxiety is the reason why quite often I rewatch the same films. I hate a cliffhanger and I hate to feel suspense, hence why when I watch one of these, I know the outcome and I know that I am going to be happy who it.
Crazy I know. Luckily for me, Marvel are always bringing new movies out, so my list just continues to get longer. I would love to hear from you guys. Please leave me a comment below and let me know what some of your favourite movies are!