I am sure that if you guys are content creators, you will have gone through hard periods. I have been writing now for almost a decade and there have certainly been challenging times. Sometimes I know the reason for my writers block and other times, I am blind to what can be causing it. However, one thing that I have noticed is that the more structure I have, the easier it becomes for me.

I have been creating content in the same way for years now and it really works for me. With that being said, I thought that I would share with you guys how I create content. These are tried and tested methods for me and I always come out with something that is well written, formatted and easy to digest. Without further rambling, here is how I create content…



I look through what I’ve done and what I’m missing.

I have a Google Doc that shows all of my previously uploaded and future ideas for posts. By looking at this list and in the backend of WordPress, I can see the gaps in my content. I do try to keep the subjects that I talk about fairly even, and a quick review may easily identify what I need to be working on next. Not only that, but I spend some time looking through my Google Analytics and reviewing which posts have done well organically, retained the audience, etc. It all helps to paint a picture of what works for my audience.


I create a list of what I want to put out and when.

As I mentioned in my point above, I have a document that houses all of my content. Usually following the initial review of what is missing, I will start to think of loads of new post ideas. Usually, I take inspiration from my fellow bloggers and what they are putting out. I try and think about seasonal trends, talking points, etc. From there, I make a plan of when I think would be best to launch that content. It isn’t always done with metrics in mind, I more try to think about I feel when I would be writing it.


I map out the bones of what I want to include.

Next up on how I create content is I create a wireframe. I have an idea in my head of what I want the content to look like and how I want it read. From there, I will draw up a plan of the structure of the post, including the paragraphs, lengths, etc. This for me is a great starting place and allows me to work through a methodical checklist whilst I am writing. Sometimes, this is a little too structures for me if I am feeling particularly creative, but it can help me when it is required.


I research what else is similar out there.

The next thing I want to mention when it comes to how I create content is researching. I never used to do this because I wanted to create original content, which isn’t influenced by others. However, the longer that I have been in the game, the more I appreciate what others produce. I don’t allow it to alter my own content or my own views, but it can provide guidance. For example, if I am reviewing a makeup item, I will look at other peoples opinions and they may pull out a feature that I have not noticed. Then I can take a look at that and see if my opinion is the same or differs. Not only does it help me, but it allows me to show support for fellow content creators.


Carry out keyword analysis.

One thing that I always do is carry out detailed keyword analysis. Even though for me it isn’t all about getting a highly ranking blog post, the marketer in me, can’t half arse it. Generally, I always like to search for the relevant keywords and ensure that I am tying my post into popular terms to make my post stand a chance. I feel like before I sit down to actually write the content, this gives me the perfect springboard to create a great post.


I hope that you guys enjoyed this blog post. There are some enviable individuals out there that can create content like there is no tomorrow. I like to think that in most instances, I am much the same. However, there are always times when I need a little help and I find that doing these steps, gets me to where I need to be.

I have found though that with creating content, things are always changing, and my ways of work change regularly. It is all about adaptability and doing what you need to do. As always, I would love to hear from you guys on this subject. If you are a content creator, what do you do to write? Do you have set structures that you follow? Do you have a guide? Is there anything that helps you out?


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