As some of you guys will know, a couple of weeks ago we brought home our wonderful baby. The last few weeks really have been a whirlwind. When they describe the new-born bubble, they really aren’t lying. It has been the best couple weeks of my life. However, almost instantly, I was overwhelmed with the thought of introducing my baby to my friends and family. Naturally, everybody wanted to meet our little one and we wanted people to have visit our new-born, but we wanted it on our terms. I thought that in this post I would share with you how we went about introducing our baby to the masses. Without it feeling too overwhelming for a new family!



What I told people.

When I first told my mother that I was going to make people wait, she was shocked. People never want to wait when it comes to a new baby. She thought that it would end up annoying some people. But that wasn’t the case at all. I knew the people that would want to meet our baby straight away and I simply dropped them a message. I just laid it out very clearly that I didn’t want surprise visitors and that I would contact them when I was open to visitors. Luckily for me, I have a great network of people around me and they were all onboard.


How we planned the visitors.

When I was happy for visitors, I set the time. Ideally, I didn’t want overwhelming days where my house was like a revolving door of guests. Instead, I tried to schedule it so that I had one visitor every other day. It worked very well to be honest. I think other people appreciated having a set day rather than just waiting for a random text from me. I also liked it when people came during the morning so that I had the afternoon to myself and we could have family time once my husband got home.


Who could come and go.

As harsh as this may sound, we did allow some people to come and go as they please. This included our parents and grandparents. There is no way that I was going to set time and dates for them. Plus, I knew that they wouldn’t care if the house was a mess and if I hadn’t brushed my hair. They just want to spend time with their new grandbaby, and I wasn’t going to stop them. Not to mention that they have been a massive help for me and I shall not bite the hand that feeds me. Esepcially my mother-in-law, she has been a godsend.


Meeting up outside of the house.

Something that I did catch onto very early was meeting people outside of my house. The main reason for this is what I can leave whenever I want. I am sure that we have all been there before. You have somebody in your house that simply wont leave. Well add a new-born baby into the mix and it is an annoying affair. By meeting people outside of the house, I can get up and leave whenever I want, without having an awkward conversation.


I hope that you guys enjoyed this post. The main reason for wanting to write this post is because it is so important to set boundaries. If other people had their way, they would be with you the very first day that you are home. Plus, I had heard from so many people close to me that it is famine and feast. Everybody wants to be there as soon as you are home, then you don’t see anybody for weeks. By doing it our way, setting a good pace and not going too much, it has all gone very smoothly. I would highly recommend to other people, if you are a new mother, you set the pace for visitors. I would also love to hear from you, how do you suggest we go about introducing our baby to our friends and family?


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