I wrote a post the other day about turning 30. For some people, it is a daunting thing turning the big 3 0, but to me I see it as nothing but a blessing. I see aging as a truly beautiful thing. I am lucky to be turning the age that I am and have the experience of 30 years under my belt. That is why in this post I wanted to dedicate some time to sitting down and sharing with you guys 30 things that I would tell my younger self. To try and guide me through those godforsaken teenage years and a tangle during my twenties.
- Be cautious with your friendships
- Continue to trust wholeheartedly
- Be ambitious in your career
- Don’t be scared of change
- Get help for your mental health
- Let fake friends go
- Don’t change who you are for others
- Don’t let people in an authoritative position take advantage of you
- Be that person that everybody wants to lean on
- Take care of those closest to you
- Let your hair down more often
- Learn how to communicate with people effectively
- Treat yourself with your savings every now and again
- Travel when you can
- Spend more time with your family – they’re your rock
- Push yourself out of your comfort zone
- Reflect and be proud of how far you’ve come
- Learn to drive quicker – it’s the best thing you will ever do
- Don’t shut yourself off to new friendships
- Set boundaries at work and be strong
- Never stop learning and improving your skills
- Take a chance on yourself
- Find your passions and run with them
- Do the things that make you feel good
- Learn to deal with your emotions rather than supress them
- Live the good life with your money, but don’t show off
- Get a healthier relationship with food
- Try to get out of the house more even though it is your haven
- The people that once bullied you will be irrelevant
- Forge strong relationships but don’t be the only person giving
I know that for many, turning 30 may be a scary thing. As I mentioned, for me, I feel like this is going to be the best decade of my life. I am a new mother, I have an abundance of confidence, I have good people around me, I have a stable income and there is so much amazingness ahead.