I got married to my soulmate in 2019 when I was only 24 years old. By today’s standards, we were pretty young when we tied the knot. The amount of comments that I have gotten about marrying young has been overwhelming. A handful of the comments that we get from people are positive and they are happy for us. But more often than not we get shocked reactions.

Some people don’t have anything positive to say about us committing to one another. This is why I thought that in my blog post, I would sit down and share with you some of my thoughts on marrying young. Plus, why we made the decision to tie the knot – and why we had such a short engagement and if we stand by our decision.


Marrying Young - The Questions and Thoughts


Our relationship.

You really need a little background into my husband and I as a couple. We met at work when we were only 19 years old. It was my second serious relationship, but the first serious relationship for my partner. We started out by dating, whilst we were still living at home with our parents, but we got serious very quickly and we have not looked back since. After around 3 months of dating he unofficially moved in with me – which means that he stayed over so much that he just slowly moved himself in without us even talking about it. Since then, we have just had a very happy and stable relationship. Raised voices has never been a thing in our relationship. It has been easy sailing and I am so grateful for that because when we look at our friend’s relationships, we know that is not always the case.


The proposal.

After being together for around 7 years. My now-husband got down on one knee and proposed to me in our favourite place in the world, Florence. It was the dream proposal. It only made me more and more excited about what our wedding could be like. Even though I don’t necessarily believe in the old-fashioned constitution of marriage. I do think that there is something incredibly special about connecting and loving somebody so much that you wholeheartedly want to commit in a public manner to one another. We knew that a wedding with both of our families there would turn into a big function because we are both blessed with such large families. So we decided to put the breaks on the plans and take it steady and just slowly begin to make plans for our wedding.


Where things went wrong.

Once we returned home from Florence, we had quite a rocky year, to say the least. Our relationship was as steady as a rock. However, one of our close friends was tragically killed in a car accident. My husband’s dad was diagnosed with cancer. My grandfather/best friend passed away suddenly. Then his widow, my wonderful nan was diagnosed with two forms of cancer and chemotherapy had to start while she was in the grieving process. We were put through the wringer good and proper and it tested us mentally. The one consistent that we had through all of these horrendous tragedies was one another and it made our bond even stronger.

After the funeral of our friend and seeing his wife grieve so publicly at the funeral, my husband grabbed me by the hand and said that we should just go ahead and get married because life is simply too short. Three months later we were married.


The date was set.

Our families were elated for us once the date had been set. They knew how much of a stable couple we were. They had been with us every single step of the way and they were so happy. Our friends on the other hand, especially my husband’s friends had reservations. I think that boys/men especially in their early twenties do struggle to think rationally when one of their pals is getting hitched. Especially if they are still living the single lifestyle and have never been in a deep and committed relationship. I knew that it was nothing personal on me. I think they saw our marriage like they would lose a friend. The general consensus though was that people knew us as a couple and it was only natural for us to get hitched to one another.

Blissfully happy doesn’t even begin to come close to what it has been like. I don’t think that marriage has changed our relationship in any kind of way. However, I do think that it has just helped to solidify us and I love that we took the plunge and decided just to go ahead and tie the knot. I think that old saying of ‘when you know, you will know’ is right. I have no doubt in my mind that I truly did marry my soulmate and that we have this for keeps.


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