Today I am going to be speaking to you guys all about the Ole Hendriksen Dark Spot Toner. I have shared here on my blog before that for years my skincare regime was pretty much non-existent. A baby wipe was as in-depth as my skincare routine ever went.

Because my skin was ok with that, I didn’t think to change anything. However, as I have gotten older, I now see the error of my ways. That being said, I never really understood the importance of toners. I have tried a couple over the years, and I never saw anything notable. However, once I saw Desi Perkins using the Ole Hendriksen Dark Spot Toner and raving about it, I knew that I had to try it out for myself. So, here is my review of the Ole Hendriksen Dark Spot Toner.



Why I wanted this item.

As mentioned, the main reason why I wanted this item was because of Desi Perkins. If you are a makeup lover, I am sure you will know who Desi is. The story went that she was out of her normal toner, so she sent her husband to nip out and pick her up a new one. He just happened to get the Ole Hendriksen Dark Spot Toner and she fell in love with it. And if Desi says that something is worth the money, then I have to try it out. Plus, I had tried out some other toners and to be honest, I didn’t notice any difference with them.


How I use this product.

Like I mentioned above, toner is something that I wasn’t familiar with. From a young age and being into makeup, people would embed it in me that I had to cleanse, tone and moisturise. However, I was completely unsure what toner was actually for. After looking online, I saw people taking a few drops of their toner and simply pressing it into their skin. So, I will either pour some of this into my hands or apply it overall. Or I take it on a cotton roundel and press it into my darker areas.


The difference I see in my skin.

As the name of the Ole Hendriksen Dark Spot Toner would suggest, this has been fantastic for dark spots. I have areas on the tops of my cheekbones of sun damage and hyperpigmentation. Through years of abusing the sun, the marks on my skin are very obvious when I don’t have makeup on. For that reason, I take this on a cotton pad and press it over those areas. I have been using this Ole Hendriksen Dark Spot Toner pretty consistently for almost 6 months and my skin has come on leaps and bounds. I can only put it down to this.


How does this compare to other toners?

Because I felt like I needed to add a toner into my routine, I bought loads of them. I have tried really cheap ones like the Pixi, all the way up to the bougee La Mer. The thing that sets the Ole Hendriksen Dark Spot Toner apart is that I genuinely see a noticeable difference. I have mentioned my areas of hyperpigmentation on my cheeks before and with this I have seen a noticeable reduction is discolouration. Whereas with other toners, even though they feel nice, I can’t attribute them to any improvement in my skin overall.


Would I repurchase?

As I am sure you guys can already see from my review, I love this item. The difference that I have seen in my problem areas has been amazing. I never thought that I could get such an effect without getting laser. Plus, I feel like this has found a home in my skincare routine. All of my products seem to be working really well with one another and I have my routine down. If you are looking for a good toner to add to your daily routine, this is the product that I recommend you try.


As always, I hope you enjoyed my review on the Ole Hendriksen Dark Spot Toner. This is a product that I never thought that I would love. However, I am hooked on it. When I stop using this item, I can see a massive difference in my skin. This is one of those products that I keep a back up of in my beauty closet because I don’t want to be without it. Plus, for the price in comparison to the likes of La Mer and Augustine Bader, it is rather cheap

As always, I would love to hear from you guys on this. Have you tried the Ole Hendriksen Dark Spot Toner? Do you use toner generally? I will pop a link to this item below in case you guys would like to try this out for yourselves.


ole henriksen

Dark Spot Toner

An item I’ve had on rotation for years.

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