Today’s blog post is going to be all about the U-Tan Tanning Water. I first saw this on YouTube when Jamie Genevieve did a collaboration with them. For a long time, I had been trying to make the St Tropez Purity Face Spray work, but it just didn’t. I mentioned in the review of that blog post that I wasn’t sure if I got a dud bottle or if it is just bad. Regardless, I wanted to try something else. That something just happened to be the U-Tan Tanning Water. I have been using this now for quite some time and it is safe to say that I am hooked. This is a great product and I really want to share it here on my blog.
Why I wanted this item.
As I mentioned above, the main reason why I wanted this item is after the flop with the St Tropez Purity Face Spray. The bottle of that St Tropez product turned my hand the deepest shade of orange for well over a week. I wanted an item that actually applied more to my face than it did my hand. I saw hell of a lot of praise around this online after the Jamie Genevieve partnership and I wanted to see if it was worth the hype. Plus, it was much cheaper and I wanted to try it out.
How I use this product.
I use this product every single evening at the end of my skincare routine. Once I am finished removing my makeup and cleansing and toning within an inch of my life, I spray the hell out of this. It is the final step and then I will lay down in bed and let it settle into my skin before turning onto my side and snuggling down for the night, The thing that I love about this item is how easy it is to use. It never goes streaky or patchy and looks very even on the skin. A great item that I truly adore!
The colour on the skin.
After trying the first bottle of this stuff and loving it, I decided to go for the 50% darker range. I am so glad that I did. As somebody with olive skin, I can find it hard for sprays like this to actually give me some depth of colour. This stuff works like a dream. It really does just look like I have a lovely golden tan. That is the kind of look that I always want to go. It never looks orange or too intense. Just like a lovely sun-kissed glow in the skin. In my eyes it has the best colour of any tanner that I have used.
How it lasts.
As I mentioned above, I do tend to apply a light spritz of this each day on my skin. I feel like it just helps to really lock in the colour and keep it developing really nicely. However, if for any reason I do not apply it, I feel like the residual colour on my face lasts for around 4 days. Obviosuly when it comes to my face, I wash it hell of a lot and carry out a full skincare routine. If I was lazier and didn’t use half as many products I am sure that it would last so much longer!
Would I repurchase?
I am sure that you guys can already tell from this blog post, but I would absolutely repurchase this item. I feel like this has encompassed everything that I wanted in a face spray. The colour that it gives is unreal and it has really calmed down my problem breakouts that I was getting. My only wish is that I had woken up and tried this out a little sooner. I will no longer put my harsh false tanning mouse directly onto my face because it is just not necessary with this item. This is a permanent fixture in my makeup collection.
As always, I hope you guys liked this blog post. I have been loving and using the U-Tan Tanning Water for months now and I love this stuff. It gives me such a deep face tan and it seems to have really cleared up some of my problem areas. I use this all over my face, neck and on my hands. It always develops beautifully and looks perfect. Not to mention that it is only a fraction of the cost of the St Tropez alternative that I just didn’t get along with.
As always, I would love to hear from you guys about this. I will pop a link to this down below for you guys to check out for yourself. Please do leave me a comment and let me know if you have tried this. Or, if you would like to try it out soon!