Last year, I went on maternity leave. I am still actually on statutory maternity pay until May of this year when I head back to work. Because of that, upgrades to the house have been put on the back burner and I now have a list as long as my arm of things that I want to get started on the moment that my pay packets get back to a healthy amount.
I think being on maternity leave, I have had a hell of a lot of time to sit and stare at the walls of my house, which has turned into my scrutinising every space and thinking about all the wonderful changes that I can make.
Loft conversion.
Back in 2019 when we came to view our home for the first time, the family that lived here previously showed us the loft. They had gotten partway through a loft renovation and then stopped due to the cost. We are planning on picking up where they left off. Our loft has huge ceilings and even my 6ft3 husband will be able to stand with ease. Hopefully by next winter we can have a space that can be made into my upgraded office/dressing room.
Garden change up.
When we got the keys to our house, it depleted our savings. Even to this day, the spare money that we have, have been pumped into making the inside of the house as nice as possible. Here in the UK, we only get a few weeks each year where we can enjoy our garden, so it made sense to put it on the back burner. However, I’m sure that by next summer we will have a toddler on our hands, and I want him to be able to play in a nice garden.
Utility area build.
A couple of years ago, we had our huge internal garage converted into a separate living space. It is mainly a lounge/snug, but there is more than enough space in that one room to cordon a portion of the room off and create a utility space that is hidden away. We will then store our washer, dryer, fridge and general household storage in this area. It is simply adding a stud wall, a door and then decorating to match the rest of the room. Hopefully it won’t take me longer than a day.
Pocket door to en-suite.
I feel incredibly lucky that we live in a lovely and big home, however one room where we are not blessed for space is the ensuite from our master bedroom. With that said, we have decide that to save some space, we are going to add a pocket/sliding door so that we can optimise the floor space that we have available. Hopefully this one won’t be too much mess, or too large of a task.
Heating upgrade.
This is certainly the most boring thing that I am going to mention, but it needs to happen. Our home is little over 20 years old, but for some reason at the time when it was built it had a rather old school heating and water system. Over the years, we have upgraded small things as and when something has broken, but it is time that we start it fresh and get a modern system that is smart/connected and that can last us for another 20 years.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and learning more about some of the big changes that are coming to our abode over the next year. I know that hell of this will mean a lot of hard work and mess, but I know it will be worth it in the end.
Be sure to leave me a comment below. Let me know what you think about some of the changes coming my way. Also, let me know if you have any renovations or changes coming to your home over the next 12 months.