I often get asked by my friends and family why I started my blog. For those of you that don’t know, I started my blog almost a decade ago. Born out of boredom and loneliness, I sat down and created my original Blogger site. Never in a million years did I expect to still be doing it almost 10 years later. Let alone to have gained the opportunities from my blog that I have.

To this day, I still get asked why I try so much with my blog and why I dedicate so much time to it. Those closest to me will tell you that family occasions have been missed, days out have been cancelled and at times it has made me reclusive. Without further rambling, here is why I started my blog.



I needed an outlet.

As I mentioned above, the main reason why I stared my blog was to have an outlet. I was in my teens; I was grumpy and I was lonely. If I didn’t have somebody to talk to, I wanted an outlet where I could write and share my opinion. Never did I imagine that I would actually obtain an audience that want to read what I say, that is simply a bonus. My blog gave me something to channel my efforts and energy and that is a really fantastic thing. It unlocked something very creative within me, that I didn’t know was there.


I knew that I had something to share.

I don’t want to sound like an arse, but I knew that I had an opinion worth sharing. For example, when I used to wear makeup, I would analyse it so carefully. What is the longevity, the coverage, the transfer, etc. I knew that by analysing each product in such detail, I can help other people to make an educated choice. Plus, when I moved into talking about more lifestyle topics, very quickly I could see in the metrics that people wanted to read what I was saying. It was encouraging and made me want to continue with my blog.


Wanted to have conversations.

Very quickly, I realised that blogging was a community. Everybody used to make a conscious effort to speak to one another and encourage them. It is rather sad that over the years, this has declined ever so slightly. There is still a good culture of commenting, however the additional conversations do not happen as frequently, which is a shame. Back in the day, I made some wonderful friends by reaching out to people and having chats with likeminded people that just wanted to share their opinion and write. I really wish that this would make a revival once again.


Quickly realised that I enjoyed writing.

Rather quickly, I really began to enjoy the process of writing a new post. I know that my writing style is incredibly laid back and quite informal, however that works for me. Not only does it work for me, it also seems to work for the people reading my posts, as they come back for more. Being impersonal, hopefully quite funny and friendly, helped me more with the online community. Now, writing is actually one of my favourite aspects of blogging. Especially when it is something that I am passionate about, then I can’t shut myself up!


It was a great excuse to buy new things.

Aside from all of the reasons mentioned above, blogging gave me a reason to buy new products. When my site first started out, I was literally just writing about the beauty items in my collection. Once I had written about everything, I had to buy new items. In the early days, this cost me a bloody fortune. To be honest, I think that all of my earnings when I started out went on buying new products so that I had something new to share. Not the best idea, but I loved buying new items and reviewing them. Not so much when they were rubbish and not worth my cash though!


I hope that you guys enjoyed this blog post. Over the years, blogging has become very important to me. During my 6-month hiatus in 2019, it made me realise how much I love to write and share my opinions. Very quickly after starting my hiatus, I was back with a new site and writing once more. I think it simply comes down to passion.

The reason why I started my blog certainly varies from why I continue to write. I started my blog because I needed something to do. I was bored, lonely and with too much time on my hands. Nowadays, that couldn’t be further than the truth, but I adore my online space. I don’t know what the future looks like, but I do know that I am not going away anytime soon.


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