A few months ago, I wrote a post to answer some of the questions that I get asked on a regular basis. I had collected some of the questions that I had received over the past few months and decided to answer them in one in-depth post.
I felt like that post went down really well, and I got so many comments from people saying that it was nice to get to know me better. So, I thought that now was a good a time as any to create a part two. On this post I will be sharing things about my goals, personal life, fertility and so much more. Without further rambling, here are my FAQ part two.
FAQ – Why can’t I have children?
I was recently diagnosed with PCOS. My periods have always been incredibly inconsistent. Honestly, ever since I started my periods back when I was 9 years old, they were never regular. I thought it was a blessing when I was younger, but as you get older, you realise that isn’t how it should be. I was off contraception for quite some time, and nothing happened naturally. If we do pull the trigger and decide that we want kids, we will need medical intervention.
FAQ – How many designer bags do I own?
On my shelves at the moment, I probably have around 40 designer handbags. But then if I think about all of the pieces that I have in archive, I am probably around the 90 mark. Some of the older pieces that I’ve got in storage are items that I don’t really want to sell, but I know they won’t be on rotation in my outfits any time soon.
FAQ – What are my favourite designer brands?
For handbags it is Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Mulberry. For shoes it is Manolo Blahnik, Jimmy Choo, Balenciaga and Christian Louboutin. For clothes it is Anine Bing, Reiss, All Saints, Adanola and Isabel Marant.
FAQ – Why don’t I make an effort with Instagram?
I upload to Instagram every now and again, but I certainly don’t use it as a promotional tool. When I first started blogging, I actually made a ‘business’ Instagram where I would share posts and try to gain traffic. But I hated it. I found it so superficial and I felt like I was having to act like somebody I wasn’t just to get likes. It cringed me out, so I deleted it and I’ve never taken it seriously since.
FAQ – How do I earn money.
My main source of income is from my day job working in marketing. Secondary it is the freelance writing that I do, however depending how much I can do, this can sometimes be more than my main job. Lastly, the revenue that I generate from my blog via AdSense or paid partnerships.
FAQ – What are my favourite heels from my collection.
Without a doubt, my favourite heels are my amazing Manolo Blahnik BB Pumps. I got my first pair when I was around 20 and I would say that I now have every colour and pattern that they have ever released. For high heels they are comfortable, stylish and truly classic.
FAQ – Is my hair natural.
My hair is naturally very dark. I went almost blonde last year, but I am happy now with the colour. The base is still pretty dark and I have some different tones through to add dimension. The length of my hair is natural, but I do sometimes wear hair extensions for fullness. My PCOS means that my hair is as thin as a piece of tracing paper.
FAQ – How did I manage my weight loss?
I had struggled with my weight for a number of years. For all of my life I was a skinny Minnie. Then when I struggled with my mental health, I developed an unhealthy relationship with food. I was an emotional eater and I put on weight which I then found hard to lose. I began killing it. Exercising like there was no tomorrow and eating well. Only to find that I had PCOS which was fighting against my best efforts to be healthy. As soon as I went back on the pill and began my exercise regime again, the weight just fell off.
FAQ – Who is my fashion inspo?
The main person that I have always looked to for fashion inspo is Alexa Chung. Always has been and always will be. She has a relaxed, girl next door kind of style that I just vibe with. More recently I have also fallen madly in love with Rosie Huntington-Whitely. Generally speaking through, I just love basics and grungy fashion.
FAQ – How do I manage to blog, write and work?
With difficulty. Especially depending on where my mental health is at that moment. My main priority is always work. The thing where I earn a set amount of money and what pays my mortgage. My next priority is to make time for my freelance work. Bottom of the pile unfortunately is my blog. But without those priorities, I get overwhelmed.
FAQ – How long have I been with my husband?
I met my husband back in 2013 when I was 10 years old, and we got married in 2019 when we were 24/25. Looking back, it was very young to get married and we should have left it longer. But as sappy as this sounds, I have fallen even more in love with that man with every year that passes. We are very fortunate to have the relationship and love that we have.
FAQ – Am I still off the pill?
After what I said earlier in this post about PCOS. No, I’m no longer off the pill. The pill that I was on actually works well with PCOS, which may explain why when I came off it, it fucked me uppppp. I know that we are in this movement against hormonal birth control, but it works for me.
As always, I hope that you guys enjoyed this post and learnt more about me with these FAQs. If you have any other questions that I still haven’t answered, please do leave it below. I will either get straight back to you or if there are a few, I might have to do a part three.
Normally, I try to stay pretty private online, but I can understand why people want to know more about the person behind the screen. Especially when so many amazing people take time out of their day to read what it is that I have to say.